  • 學位論文


The research in the disposal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and the perception of environmental risks–A case study of people in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝季吟


藥物與個人保健用品(Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products,PPCPs)在環境中之流佈與影響已為先進國家之重要環保議題。由於傳統之處理程序無法有效分解去除此類物質,所以當人類與動物使用的藥品排放進入環境水體後,會經由生物累積擴大效應而至整體生態圈。因此,瞭解民眾對於居家廢棄藥品的處置方式以及其對環境危害風險的認知現況,進而如何教育民眾對於廢棄藥品的處置與其環境風險之關係,是值得探討的課題。另外,相關環保單位希望透過傳播管道宣導有關廢棄藥品與環境危害意識之相關訊息,來影響民眾對環境的風險知覺,透過何種管道可達最佳宣導效果,亦是本研究所欲探究的。 本研究以台灣南部地區三個縣市的民眾為研究對象,以配額抽樣進行調查,回收之有效問卷計411份,資料回收後以敘述性統計、單因子變異數、交叉分析及卡方檢定等統計方法分析。本研究調查結果得到下列結論: 一、民眾產出居家廢棄藥品的種類以感冒及消炎止痛藥的比例最高,約 有95%的民眾每年至少都會產出廢棄藥品。大部分的民眾由於「最方便」的原因而選擇其處置的方式,而處置方式以「與垃圾一併丟棄」之比例最高。 二、大部分的民眾認為以「送至所知的藥品回收點」處置家中剩餘或過 期藥品,對環境所可能產生的危害最低,但僅有22.4%的民眾瞭解居住地區是否有設置廢棄藥品檢收站,高達77.6%的民眾「不知道」居住地區是否設置有居家廢棄藥品檢收站。 三、民眾對於廢棄藥品之風險知覺以「對人體健康的危害性」之分數為 最高,以「危害顯現時效」之分數最低。由於性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度及個人月收入的不同,對於廢棄藥品之風險知覺有顯著的差異。 四、民眾接收廢棄藥品相關訊息之主要傳播管道依序為:「電視」、「報紙」 及「網際網路」。性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度及職業的差異,在接收訊息的主要傳播管道亦會有所差異。


The spread of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in the environment and its influence are significant environmental protection issues in developed countries. The pharmaceuticals have been mass produced and used by human or animals. Due to the traditional way to dispose un-use or expired into sewage can not efficiently decompose PPCPs, after improperly discharged into water, the bioaccumulation effect would have greater impact to the whole ecological system. Therefore, it is studied in this thesis that to understanding how people deal with the discarded pharmaceuticals and what they know about the impact to the environment, and then proceeds to educate them the knowledge and the proper way of dispose discarded pharmaceuticals. Also, the environmental protection organization uses mass media to propagate the concepts of the environment risk perception toward the discarded pharmaceuticals was discussed in this thesis. This research is targeted the people of three southern Taiwan cities, there are 411 effective questionnaires. The data are analyzed by statement statistic, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), crisscross analyzed and chi-sqrare test.The results are as following: 1. The great majority of the household abandoned pharmaceuticals are “medicine for colds and relief inflammation”, there are around 95% people possessing discarded pharmaceuticals every year. Most people choose “the most convenient way” as reason to dispose discarded pharmaceuticals, and the most convenient way “Discarded with garbage” gets the highest percentage. 2. Most people consider “Send to drug disposal boxes they are aware of” as least harmful way to the environment to dispose household excessive or expired pharmaceuticals. However, only 22.4% of the people under survey know whether any drug disposal box is set up in their neighborhood, while as high as 77.6% of them “don’t know” it. 3. For people’s sense of environmental risk regarding to discarded pharmaceuticals, “Harmfulness to human health” has the highest score, and “Time interval for harmfulness to appear” has the lowest score. There are distinct variations of people’s sense of environmental risk owing to the difference of sex, marital status, education level, and monthly salary. 4. The major mass media channels for people to receive the information about discarded pharmaceuticals are “Television”, “Newspaper”, and “Internet”. The variations of receiving channels are according to the difference of sex, age, marital status, education level, and occupation.


