  • 學位論文


Evaluating heavy metal concentration of plants on a serpentine site for phytoremediation applications

指導教授 : 許正一


一般常用植物和土壤的化學分析來探討蛇紋石的環境系統,且著重於蛇紋石之土壤植被運用於受重金屬污染土壤的整治,並強調植生萃取及植生穏定的機制,而本研究目的主要分析土壤和植體中的鉻、錳及鎳的濃度,並說明供試植物之植生復育的潛力,研究區位於台灣東部一廢棄蛇紋岩礦場,選擇7種優勢植物包括豬屎豆、五節芒、銀合歡、咸豐草、葛藤、印度草木犀及加拿大蓬等分析其植體內鉻、錳、鎳的含量。在所有供試植物體內鉻和鎳的含量均高於一般植物,且因植體中鉻、錳及鎳在莖的平均濃度均低於根,顯示除了銀合歡對錳是排除型植物外,其餘植體皆可為鉻、錳、鎳之累積型植物,但供試物種中並沒有表現出具有超級累積的特性,故所有植物可運用其植生穩定的機制來修復受鉻和錳污染的土壤,而五節芒及印度草木犀則適用於鎳。再者,豬屎豆、銀合歡、咸豐草、葛藤及加拿大蓬可能具有植生復育潛力成為鎳累積之植物。 關鍵字:生物累積、重金屬、超級累積植物、植生復育、蛇紋石土壤


The chemical analysis of plants and soils is a frequently used approach to understanding a serpentine ecosystem. Studies on vegetation growth in serpentine soils focused on various plant species for remediation purposes of soil contamination with heavy metals, emphasizing their role in the metal extraction or stabilization in the soil. The aims of this study were to measure the concentrations of Cr, Mn, and Ni in the soils and plants and to elucidate the phytoremediation potential of the studied plants. This study was performed at an abandoned site of serpentine mining in eastern Taiwan.Seven plant species were collected for analysis of Cr, Mn, and Ni, including Crotalaria micans, Miscanthus floridulus, Leucaena leucocephala, Bidens pilosa, Pueraria lobata, Melilotus indicus, and Conyza canadensis. The Cr and Ni concentrations in all studied plants were higher than those in general plants. In all species, the mean concentrations of Cr, Mn, and Ni in the shoots were lower than those in the root. All plants were accumulators of Cr, Mn, and Ni, whereas L. Leucocephala was as excluder of Mn. None of the collected specimens exhibited hyperaccumulation of the metals. All studied species may be used to remediate contaminated soils through phytostabilization of Crand Mn, whereas M. floridulus and M. indicus are appropriate plants for phytostabilization of Ni. However, C. micans, L. leucocephala, B. pilosa, P. lobata, and C. canadensis have the potential to remove Ni from contaminated soils for the purpose of phytoextraction. Keywords: bioaccumulation; heavy metal; hyperaccumulator; phytoremediation; serpentine soil


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