  • 學位論文


Characterization of H2S, NH3, and Total-VOCs at a landfill site

指導教授 : 張國慶


為瞭解掩埋場作業區域大氣環境的特徵,本研究選擇南部某區域性垃圾衛生掩埋場,於100年9月至101年1月間在垃圾轉運暫存區、一般事業廢棄物掩埋區、一般事業廢棄物掩埋區竪井、資源回收場區、廚餘堆肥場、辦公室、已封閉一般廢棄物掩埋區、已封閉一般廢棄物掩埋區竪井及廢水貯留池等區域,針對主要惡臭氣體硫化氫、氨及總揮發性有機物按月定期量測。利用硫化氫分析儀、氨分析儀、攜帶式火焰離子偵測器,進行大氣中各濃度分佈調查,並收集氣象數據,探討硫化氫、氨及總揮發性有機物之濃度變化與氣候的關係。 選擇之採樣檢測區域中硫化氫、氨、總揮發性有機物平均測值為:垃圾轉運暫存區(硫化氫N.D.、氨N.D.、總揮發性有機物15.6-25.4 ppm)、一般事業廢棄物掩埋區(硫化氫5-8 ppm、氨13-46 ppm、總揮發性有機物69.8-123 ppm)、一般事業廢棄物掩埋區竪井(硫化氫0-1 ppm、氨4-6 ppm、總揮發性有機物5897-8246 ppm)、資源回收場區(硫化氫N.D.、氨N.D.、總揮發性有機物0.1-0.3 ppm)、廚餘堆肥場(硫化氫N.D.、氨N.D.、總揮發性有機物0.4-0.8 ppm)、辦公室(硫化氫N.D.、氨N.D.、總揮發性有機物0.3-0.4 ppm)、已封閉一般廢棄物掩埋區(硫化氫N.D.、氨N.D.、總揮發性有機物1.8-2.5 ppm)、已封閉一般廢棄物掩埋區竪井(硫化氫N.D.、氨0-2 ppm、總揮發性有機物102-126 ppm)、廢水貯留池(硫化氫N.D.、氨0-1 ppm、總揮發性有機物1.8-2.5 ppm)。 測得數據結果顯示: (1)場區內硫化氫、氨及總揮發性有機物主要來源為一般事業廢棄物掩埋區。 (2)已封閉三年之一般廢棄物掩埋區域仍有微量揮發性有機物質排放。 (3)測得氨及硫化氫濃度雖未超過「勞工作業環境中有害物容許濃度標準」,但仍應加強員工教育訓練並配戴個人防護具。 (4)建議應持續長期監測總揮發性有機物濃度,並進一步評估該物質之逸散是對人員健康造成危害。


This study used THERMO TVA-1000B, ammonia analyzer, and hydrogen sulfide analyzers to measure the atmospheric concentrations at a landfill site, located in southern Taiwan, during September 2011~January 2012. The landfill site was divided to 9 sampling sections as follows: (1)waste transfer area; (2)general industrial waste area; (3)general industrial waste area vent; (4) resource recovery area; (5) composting area; (6)office section; (7) closed general waste area; (8) closed general waste area vent; (9)wastewater storage pool. Then, the statistical software was used to analyze the correlations between various gases concentrations and climate factors. The average H2S, NH3, and t-VOCS concentrations found at landfill site as follows: (1)waste transfer area(H2S:N.D.、NH3:N.D.、t-VOCS:15.6-25.4 ppm) (2)general industrial waste area(H2S:5-8 ppm、NH3:13-46 ppm、t-VOCS:69.8-123 ppm) (3) general industrial waste area vent(H2S:0-1 ppm、NH3:4-6 ppm、t-VOCS:5897-8246 ppm) (4) resource recovery area (H2S:N.D.、NH3:N.D.、t-VOCS:0.1-0.3 ppm) (5) composting area(H2S:N.D.、NH3:N.D.、t-VOCS:0.4-0.8 ppm) (6) office section (H2S:N.D.、NH3:N.D.、t-VOCS:0.3-0.4 ppm) (7) closed general waste area(H2S:N.D.、NH3:N.D.、t-VOCS:1.8-2.5 ppm) (8) closed general waste area vent(H2S:N.D.、NH3:0-2 ppm、t-VOCS:102-126 ppm) (9) wastewater storage pool(H2S:N.D.、NH3:0-1 ppm、t-VOCS:1.8-2.5 ppm). The results showed: (1) the main source of H2S, NH3, and t-VOCS came from general industrial waste area. (2) closed general waste landfill area still had trace t-VOCS. (3) although, H2S and NH3 concentrations was below the regulated value, but should strengthen staff training and wear protective equipment. (4) the high concentration of t-VOCS was worthy to further study and investigate to protect the health of the work staff .


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