  • 學位論文


Using Waste Acid Regenerated Ferric Chloride to Remove Arsenic from Water

指導教授 : 薩支高


長期飲用含砷的飲用水可能危害健康,地下水中受到砷汙染的主要地區多為第三世界較貧窮之國家,因此找尋簡易、有效且價格低廉去除地下水中砷之技術為一重要之課題。 鋼鐵廠於鋼鐵材出售前會先經過酸洗程序以除去鋼鐵材表面之氧化物,酸洗後之廢酸處理對於鋼鐵廠而言是一大問題,常見之做法為進行再生,產生鐵粉顆粒或氯化鐵進行再利用。 本研究目的在於以試藥級鐵粉與工廠再生氧化鐵粉(以下簡稱再生鐵粉)進行不同參數之比較;另外以試藥級氯化鐵與廢酸再生氯化鐵進行不同參數之混凝處理比較,探討以不同材料去除水中砷之可行性。 根據結果顯示,試藥級鐵粉最佳處理參數為: 50 mg鐵粉量、時間2.5小時、pH值4,處理含砷濃度500 μg/L之100 mL水樣,可得98%去除率與最大砷吸附量0.89 μg As/mg Fe。再生鐵粉經過24小時處理後僅有3%之去除率。試藥級氯化鐵最佳參數為: pH值中性、鐵砷比為200,處理含砷濃度500 μg/L之100 mL水樣可得99%以上去除率與最大砷吸附量為5 μg As/ mg Fe。再生氯化鐵最佳參數為: pH中性、以0.5 mL再生氯化鐵處理500 μg/L之500mL含砷水樣,於鐵砷比400時可達99%以上去除率與最大吸附量為2.5 μg As/ mg Fe。 再生氯化鐵中原本含有許多金屬元素超過放流水管制標準,經混凝沉澱後大多已低於飲用水管制標準,顯示以再生氯化鐵進行水中砷去除為一有效、簡易、快速且可行之水中砷去除技術。


再生 地下水 處理技術


Arsenic contaminated water drinking may cause health damage. Groundwater that polluted by arsenic is a worldwide problem and mostly affects the poor region of the world. Develop an easy, effective and low cost technology to removal arsenic form water is an important issue. Steel before selling needs to be washed by HCl to removal surface oxides. The waste acid is a concerned problem for steel plant. The waste acid is usually regenerated to iron oxide and/or ferric chloride as a by-product. The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of using waste acid regenerated ferric chloride and its by-product to removal arsenic form water. In this study, we compared the different effects between reagent grade iron powder and acid regenerated iron powder in different parameters to removal arsenic form water. We also compared the different effects between reagent grade ferric chloride and regenerated ferric chloride to removal arsenic from water. According to the results, using 50mg reagent grade iron powder at pH 4 and 2.5 hr treatment time can obtain the best treatment effect, 98% As removal efficiency and 0.89 μg As/mg Fe absorption ratio. Regenerated iron powder treat with 24 hr obtain only 3% As removal efficiency. Using reagent grade ferric chloride at neutral pH and the Fe/As ratio is 200 can get the best treatment effect, 99% As removal efficiency and 5 μg As/ mg Fe adsorption ratio. Using regenerated ferric chloride at neutral pH and the Fe/As ratio is 400 can get the best treatment effect, 99% As removal efficiency and 2.5 μg As/ mg Fe adsorption ratio. After the coagulation process, most of the metal elements in waste acid are low to the wastewater control standards and/or drinking water standard. Waste acid regenerated ferric chloride used on coagulation is an effective, easy, and feasible technology to remove arsenic form water.


arsenic iron reuse groundwater technology




Wang, P. H. (2013). 利用硫酸鋁及鋁渣去除水中砷之研究 [master's thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2013.00142
