  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction, using Organizational Communication and Organizational Commitment as Mediators

指導教授 : 林佳勳
共同指導教授 : 王親仁(CIN-REN WANG)


現今的社會中,雖然求職率及就業率向上攀升,但失業率卻也逐年上升,導致如此現象的原因很多,其中最常見的原因包括,對老闆的行事風格及管理制度感到不滿,進而影響所從事的工作無法帶來滿足感,並且面對此現象,員工無法依循適當的抒發管道對公司主管或老闆進行溝通並表達意見,因此這些現象也促使員工對公司抱持著不信任的心態。這些影響因素,不但讓公司發展受限,更有可能導致形象破滅而使公司倒閉,這些皆為台灣企業常見的現象,為了探討這些因素是否有相關影響,本研究將對針對這些因素深入探討。 本研究探討領導風格與工作滿意度之相關研究-以組織溝通與組織承諾為中介變相,研究方法採問卷調查法,以就業中、打工及兼差的就職者為樣本,取得383份有效問卷作為分析之依據。根據資料分析,本研究主要結果顯示:(一)領導風格對組織溝通具有顯著的影響。(二)領導風格對組織承諾具有顯著的影響。(三)領導風格對工作滿意度具有顯著的影響。(四)組織溝通對工作滿意度具有想住的影響。(五)組織承諾對工作滿意度具有顯著的影響。(六)對於領導風格及工作滿意度,組織溝通具有完全中介效果。(七)對於領導風格及工作滿意度,組織承諾具有部分中介效果。


In our contemporary society, while the number of people seeking employment increases year by year, the rate of unemployment also rises. Common reasons for such a phenomenon include employees’ discontent towards organizational leadership and management, which then influences workers’ overall job satisfaction. The lack of different ways to communicate with the management team about their concerns also causes employees to lose trust for the company, limiting the company’s further growth and possibly even leading it to collapse. Such factors affecting the organizational performance are prevalent amongst Taiwanese businesses. This research aims to rigorously explore the interrelationship of these factors. This study explores the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction, using organizational communication and organizational commitment as mediators. The research uses questionnaire as its method of data collection, sampling both full-time and part-time workers. The number of valid questionnaires is 383. Key findings are: 1) leadership style has significant influences on organizational communication, 2) leadership style has significant influences on organizational commitment, 3) leadership style has significant influences on job satisfaction, 4) organizational communication has significant influences on job satisfaction, 5) organizational commitment has significant influences job satisfaction, 6) organizational communication shows full mediator effect on leadership style and job satisfaction, and 7) organizational commitment shows partial mediator effect on leadership style and job satisfaction.


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