  • 學位論文


The Creation of Hand-touch Experience Design on Birthday Gift Packaging

指導教授 : 黃雅卿


在競爭激烈的生活壓力下,使人們開始追求精神生活,重視「手感」所傳遞出的溫暖感受,於此趨勢下,市面上出現了各式各樣的「手感」商品,經由切身經歷並觸動人心的「手感體驗」也因應而生,「手感」儼然成為了一種流行的趨勢。此外,中國人生性多禮,送禮範圍亦相當廣泛,使禮品樣式更趨於多元,「禮品包裝」更是千變萬化,因此,如何在眾多「禮品包裝」中脫穎而出,提升包裝設計的品質與差異化特色,已成為一重要課題。 為探析手感相關研究、了解台灣節慶背景及送禮文化、探索手感應用於禮品包裝上之可能性、跳脫過去生日禮品包裝之既有形式、創造新式公版包裝供後人借鑑,本創作以「生日」為例,將「手感體驗」導入生日禮品包裝設計中,並將研究方法分為三階段進行,第一階段採文獻探討法蒐集手感、禮品包裝等相關資料,歸納分析出手感包裝之運用要素與重點,第二階段採田野調查法,針對市面上既有的禮品包裝之店家,作實地走訪與拍攝,了解禮品包裝之型式、材料及運用情形。第三階段採問卷調查法,以掌握消費者對生日禮品及包裝設計之心理意象與偏好,最後再將以上研究結果整理後進行相關創作。 經本創作結果,可將手感運用之重點歸納如下:一、藉由傳遞某種情感,加深生命體驗、觸動人心的方式,以情感的連結,傳達溫暖、幸福、歸屬等感受。二、透過萃取回憶裡的美好元素,以回味過去某種「感覺」,而創造出與情感的連結。三、藉由材質本身的觸感、溫度,引領人們對觸摸的渴望及訴求。四、以手工打造,創造質樸的溫馨感,展現獨一無二的氛圍。五、善用材料本身的原始質感或紋路,展現原始自然之美。六、以形色質的差異,產生不同手感特性。


手感 手感體驗 包裝設計 禮品包裝 節慶


With the speeding up of economic development, people are facing more and more pressure from various aspects of their life. In this trend, people who began to pursue the spiritual life and emphasis on hand-touch products. Nowadays it can be found in more and more products emphasizes the hand-touch characteristics appear in people's life. In recent years, ' hand-touch economy ' attracts increasingly attention with the trend of the experience economy. Furthermore, it is important that the gifts are a major part of the Chinese culture. For gifts, not only have a lot of different styles, there are many different types of packaging. Therefore, it is important that how to improve the quality and features of the gift packaging design. The five main objectives of this study were to realize the application of Hand-touch design; to understand the Taiwanese culture; to explore the possibilities of gift wrapping; to create a unique packaging of birthday gift; to create new packaging that people can be benefited. The creation is used Hand-touch Experience Design on Birthday Gift Packaging. There are three basic stages in the study. First, the study uses document analysis to carry out analysis and summarized the elements on packaging. Second, observing gift packaging stores to realize the type, material and application of gift packaging by using field research. Third, using questionnaires and surveys to know preferences of consumers. Important conclusions of this study are as follows: First, by passing some emotion, deepen life experience, heartwarming way to emotional link, to convey warmth, happiness, home, etc. feelings. Second, through the good memories extracted elements to pondering over some "feel", and create a link with emotion. Third, by the material itself to the touch, temperature, leading people to touch the desire and aspirations. Fourth, handmade, creating a sense of rustic warmth, show a unique atmosphere. Fifth, the use of the raw material itself, texture or grain, to show the original natural beauty. sixth, qualitative differences in form, color, texture have different properties.




