  • 學位論文

The Relationship between the Quality of Tax-collection Service and Customers’ Satisfaction in Dong Van County, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam

The Relationship between the Quality of Tax-collection Service and Customers’ Satisfaction in Dong Van County, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam

指導教授 : 蘇錦俊
共同指導教授 : Ngo Phuc Hanh 馬宗洸(Tsung-Kuang E.Ma)






Based on that overviews on tax collection services, rationale to choose the topic of “The relationship between the quality of Tax-collection service and customers satisfaction in Dong Van County Company” is based on the importance of customer services in public sector. The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction are the topics discussed included research in the last decade. Many studies of customer satisfaction in the services sector have been implemented. Some authors suggest that between service quality and customer satisfaction have a match so the two concepts can be substituted for each other. Using quantitative research method with survey of questions are conducted on sample of 200 customers who are using tax-collection services in Dong Van County, achieved results show that all 7 items of perceived service quality factor can explain for 76% of changes in customer satisfaction, resulting in adjusted R_Square of 0.760. The standardized partial correlationship coefficients between 7 items and customer satisfaction are estimated at 0.197, 0.221, 0.180, 0.184, 0.211, 0.185, and 0.119 and they are statistical significant at 5% of confidence interval. Among these items, item 2 has highest impact to customer satisfaction due to it has highest standardized partial correlationship (0.221).


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