  • 學位論文

Determinants of Intention to Use Autonomous Vehicles: Extending UTAUT2

Determinants of Intention to Use Autonomous Vehicles: Extending UTAUT2

指導教授 : Behzad Foroughi




As economic growth increases and, the use of vehicle increase, using autonomous vehicles (AVs) is the first thinking that people tend to be. This study investigates the relationship between performance expectancy, trust, social influence, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, facilitating condition, price sensitivity, personal innovativeness, and intent to use autonomous vehicles (AVs). We will suggest and test an adequate model that includes the above constructs. The UTAUT2 is used to investigate the impact of efficiency expectancy, facilitating conditions, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price sensitivity, trust, personal innovativeness towards the intent to use autonomous vehicles. Structural equation examination shows that the UTAUT2 may be carried out to conditional automation, when pleasure motivation, social impact, and expectations for achievement affect the purpose of use autonomous vehicles (AVs). Social impact is an effective predictor of hedonic motivation, potential conditions, and overall expectations of achievement. The study will collect data through e-survey questionnaires created by an application. The target participants will include all the citizens in Viet Nam.


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