  • 學位論文

The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Switching Intention: A Case Study of Vietnam's 5G Network

The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Switching Intention: A Case Study of Vietnam's 5G Network

指導教授 : 班札德
共同指導教授 : 李永成 林帆(François Bouchetoux)






The goal of the study "The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Switching Intention: A Case Study of Vietnam's 5G Network" is to identify factors and measure their influencing levels on individual customers utilizing the 5G network in Vietnam. Simultaneously, the study's findings serve as a guide to help executives develop and change their management operations in order to improve individual customer satisfaction, as well as to retain consumers who utilize long-term service and promote corporate efficiency. The research is based on information gathered from over 300 individual consumers in Vietnam who use the 5G network. To conduct this study, the author used a quantitative research method. The data was analyzed using the SPSS 25 program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).The study results showed that there are 2 factors affecting individual customer satisfaction and switching intention: Network performance ( Speed, Network coverage reliability, call and text quality) and service quality. Keywords: 5G network, Switching Intention, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction are some of the key words used in this study.


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