  • 學位論文


The Investigation and Development of A Mobile HRV Analysis System

指導教授 : 柯松源


行動裝置逐年普及,各行各業也都積極參與開發行動裝置上的應用程式,使得行動應用程式變得更有多樣性。在Google Play或者是App Store上有許多與心電圖有關的應用程式,但大都只有時域的心電圖波型顯示,頻域方面的頻譜顯示則較少。 本論文的研究為本實驗室以前兩個研究的延伸[2][3],在既有時域波型顯示及分析的基礎上繼續開發頻域的心跳變異率(HRV)的分析。使用者可以在行動裝置上看到時域及頻域的資料,其中時域顯示的是個別心跳的波型,而頻域則是某段期間內心跳速率的變化情形,兩者相輔相成,除了可得知心臟短期間極化及去極化的情形,也可得知長期間自律神經變化的情形。


Mobile device is getting popular annually. There are more and more people devote to the development of Apps. There are many ECG related Apps available on Google Play or App Store. In most of these applications, however, they only have time domain Electrocardiogram waveform display. They usually lack frequency domain information. This research is an extension of our two previous researches [2][3]. In addition to the time domain ECG waveform display and analysis, we developed the frequency domain HRV spectral analysis. User can view both time domain and frequency domain information on mobile device simultaneously. The time domain ECG waveform provides short time information about individual heart beat, and the HRV spectrum provides long term information about the heart beat rate. They complement each other. The time domain waveform provides information about the polarization and depolarization the heart, whereas from the HRV spectrum information about the autonomic nervous system can be derived.


[1] (2015, Jun 17). 103年國人死因統計結果
[2] 王綱民, 2011, 基於Android與雲端平台嵌入式心電圖監控系統的研發, 碩士論文, 高雄市: 義守大學資訊工程研究所.
[3] 高誜亨, 2013, 雲端心電圖大量資料的分析與顯示, 碩士論文, 高雄市:義守大學資訊工程研究所.
[4] (2015, Jul 05). 心電圖 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書[Online].Available: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BF%83%E7%94%B5%E5%9B%BE
[5] Wilson, F. N., Johnston, F. D, Roesnbaum, F. F, Erlanger, H., Kossmann, C. E., Hecht, H., et al. (1944).“The precordial electrocardiogram,”American Heart Journal, 27, no, 1, 19-85. Jan 1944.
