  • 學位論文


A Study of Application Habitual Domain and Analytic Hierarchy Process to explore Air Force Volunteer Soldiers - by The Case of A Certain Air Force Base

指導教授 : 陳泰良


本研究主要在探討影響空軍某單位志願役士兵離退之考量因素,雖然國內外有關員工離職的研究甚多,研究者亦提出許多相關理論及評估分析方法,然而國軍工作任務特殊,加上近年實施多波組織精簡政策,造成影響志願役士兵離退的考量層面多變。本研究希藉由分析影響空軍某單位志願役士兵離退之主要原因,據以提供個案單位,甚至是其他國軍單位,於制訂相關政策之參考及精進方向。 而為了解近年志願役士兵的離退因素,本研究運用習慣領域理論並結合層級程序分析法(AHP)進行研究分析,希冀望綜合各專家之見解,並透過個案單位志願役士兵之訪談,探究志願役士兵離退之因素,以謀求改善方案,進而降低志願役士兵之離退率;本研究結果及建議: ㄧ、「工作環境」層面:為次要影響因素;軍人之工作性質特殊,以完成任務為優先考量,如能調整人員的工作及實施正常休假,將可大幅提升其工作效率,並減少人員的倦怠感。 二、「薪資福利」層面:為主要影響因素;軍中薪資以官階、職務及年資為計算基準,如何合理分配任務,並重新調整薪資結構及增加福利等相關措施,將能大幅降低志願役士兵的離退率。 三、「晉陞發展」層面:影響因素最低;軍中的晉陞制度已相當完善,只要秉持公平、公正、公開之原則,即可大幅降低爭議性。 四、「領導幹部」層面:為第三項影響因素;部隊任務的遂行,需要共同合作來完成,改善長官與部屬間的互動關係,並加強領導幹部的教育訓練,亦相當重要。 綜合以上研究資料,可得知「薪資福利」與「工作環境」層面為主要影響離退之考量因素,且兩層面息息相關。因此,如能同時改善薪資結構與工作負荷,將可大幅減少離退率,故為首要改善目標;另本研究結果,亦可提供其它同性質之國軍單位及民間機構,作為政策制訂及工作改進之參考。


This study is to investigate the factors that influence the Volunteer Soldiers in a certain Air Force Base to consider retirement. There are numerous studies both domestic and from abroad that look into the employee’s resignation, and researchers propose many theories and analytical methods to assess the issue as well. However, the distinctive military tasks and several times organizational streamlining varied the consideration of the Volunteer Soldiers’ resignation. In this study, by analyzing the main reasons which effect the Volunteer Soldiers’ resignation in a certain Air Force Base; we presented the reference and the direction to either the case unit or the other military departments for improvement and policies formulating. In this study, we research and analyze by means of the field of theoretical study habits and combine using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in order to understand the factors that affect the Volunteer Soldiers to consider retirement. Through the comprehensive view of experts and the interview of the case unit Volunteer Soldiers, hopefully we can have the program to improve and reduce the rate of Volunteer Soldiers retirement. Here are some results and recommendations: First, the “work environment” dimension, as the secondary factors: the intrinsic quality of military workload is relatively inimitable. Fulfilling all the tasks is the military top priority. Therefore, it will definitely improve the efficiency and reduce the rate of Volunteer Soldiers retirement if the military can adjust their workload and guarantee regular period of leaves to their Volunteer Soldiers. Second, the “remuneration and benefits”, as the main factors: military salaries based on the rank, the position, and the seniority. Reasonably allocate the military tasks, re-adjust the salary structure and workload, and increase the welfare measures will be able to significantly reduce the rate of Volunteer Soldiers retirement. Third, the "promotion of development" dimension: the impact of minimum factor; military promotion system has been quite perfect, as long as uphold fairness, justice and the principles of open, you can significantly reduce controversy. Fourth, the “leading cadres”, as the third term factors: military tasks fulfilling depends on teamwork. Consequently, ameliorating the interaction and relationship between executive leaders and subordinates, and enforcing the leadership education to the leading cadres are rather important. Based on the research data, we learned that the “salaries and benefits” and the “work environment” are the main factors that affect the Volunteer Soldiers to consider retirement. Furthermore, both factors influence and connect with each other as well. As a result, simultaneously ameliorate the salary structure and workload to reduce the rate of Volunteer Soldiers retirement will be the primary goal of improvement. Additionally, this study may also offer the reference and the direction to the other military unit and civilian agencies for improvement and policies formulating.


