  • 學位論文


The Research of User Interface based on Human Design Technology

指導教授 : 胡祖武


在使用產品操作介面的過程中,扮演著很重要的角色,例如:操作介面的簡易化與人性化與否,往往影響使用者的滿意觀感。因此要如何設計讓使用者可輕易記住,並使用介面以減少學習時的狀況及錯誤的情形、都是關係使用效率的重要議題。儘管產品使用上之問題探討,並非如商業行為般的競爭激烈,但因涉及市場競爭力而顯得格外重要。本研究旨在透過相關使用性介面分析與討論,降低電子性產品使用上的問題,作為評估產品開發設計之參考。 本研究以簡報器–電子產品為例,透過HDT中的使用性評價任務分析(Task analysis for usability evaluation)以及使用性工程作為主要研究方法,並依照研究者設計的樣本界定分析階段、實驗驗證分析階段以及實驗結果分析階段,進行三階段的實驗測試與分析。 透過實驗的進行與分析後,本研究總結如下: 1. 若是介面在認知上有誤差,難以完成操作程序,並會對簡報器使用上感到灰心,本研究透過使用性評價任務分析,針對認知介面、操作介面以及配置,有效的提供簡報器在使用性設計具體的優缺點。 2. 運用使用性評價任務分析,加上使用性評估方法,建立多數產品開發設計模式的次序,研究者針對開發設計模式的次序,提出改善後的設計案。 3. 根據研究顯示,HDT的方法與運用統計分析,同時提出一套系統化的產品開發設計,經由改善後的實驗,確實達到良好的操作,此系統化的產品開發設計有助於產品設計師進行簡報器設計的準則。 期望能藉者此研究結果,能為工業設計研究領域中,對於多數產品進行產品設計開發,提供有利的觀點與參考的依據。 關鍵字:HDT(Human design technology)、使用性評價任務分析(Task analysis for usability evaluation)、使用性工程、簡報器


Interface operation plays an important role on the using of products, such as the simplification and humanity of interface operation will affect users’ satisfaction significantly. Despite of the issue of using of products are not as competitive as business behavior, it is also a crucial theme for increasing products’ competitiveness. This research aims to decrease problems caused by using products through the analysis and discussion related to use of interface for references of evaluating new products development and design. This research seeks to take presenter-an electronic product for example, through Human Design technology (HDT), task analysis for usability evaluation and usability engineering as main research methods. The author has divided this research into three stages of experiments and analysis: designed samples defined analysis, experiment verified analysis and experiment results stage. According to experimental process and analysis in this research, the results can be summarized as below: 1. If users do not have fully comprehension of interface operation, they will have difficulties to accomplish the operation procedure and feel frustrated in the operation of presenter. This research aims to provide constructive strengths and weaknesses of designing effective presenter through analysis of usage assessment mission. 2.By using the analysis of usage assessment mission and usage evaluation approach, this research seeks to establish orders of the model of multi-products design and development then, the researcher will propose the design proposal after improvement. 3. According to this research, the approach of HDT and analysis of statistic can suggest a systematic product design and development plan, after the experiment of improvement; it can achieve an excellent operation result. This will be helpful in product designers to build up the standards of the design of presenter. Keyword:HDT(Human design technology)、Task analysis for usability evaluation、Usability Engineering、Take Presenter


8.陽禮安,2011“醫學美容儀器操作性改良研究設計–以3D變頻飛梭雷射治療機(Sellas evo)為例” ,朝陽科技大學設計研究所,台中。
1.Donald A.Norman.,1988,.The design of everyday things, Doubleday, New York.


