  • 學位論文

生涯信念與創業認知關聯性研究 -以女性創業家為例

Research on the Relationship between Career Belief and Entrepreneurial Cognition -Taking women`s entrepreneurship as an example

指導教授 : 劉興郁


妳是不是曾經問過自己,我有夢想嗎 ? 我的夢想是甚麼 ? 我有生涯信念嗎 ?我的生涯信念是甚麼 ?我是否滿意自己的生活方式?我該如何規劃人生方向? 一連串的問答,我們可以真確的回答嗎?近年來,由於大環境以及社會結構的改變、女性受高等教育的比例逐漸提高,而女性社會地位也不斷提升,女性經濟自主意識抬頭,因此女性創業家的比重也越來越高。 在產業變動迅速、全球資源流動的年代,創業者做出對的選擇,會比努力更重要!首先應找到合適自身獨特的產業優勢,才能在同樣的努力下,事半功倍產出最高效益。 近年來,創業相關研究中探討「創業家為何會創業?」之相關研究甚多,但「探討一般人為何不創業?」以及「生涯信念」的相關研究卻不常見,本研究有鑑於此與比較創業家與一般人在創業行為是否有顯著的認知差異,創業家之生涯信念會影響創業者在創業過程,遇到的問題與挑戰如何因應?試圖找出與創業行為產生的關鍵因素,實現人人都可以成為創業家之觀點,並藉由相關文獻之蒐集,探討整理歸納出生涯信念與創業認知的相關聯性主軸。


Have you ever asked yourself: “Do I have a dream?” “What are my dreams?” “Do I have a career belief?” “What are my career beliefs?” “Am I satisfied with my lifestyle?” “How should I plan the direction of my life?” For this series of questions, can we really answers them? In recent years, due to the changes in the overall environment and social structure, the gradually increasing proportion of women in higher education, women's continuing rising social status, as well as the rise of women's economic autonomy, the proportion of female entrepreneurs has grown higher and higher. In the era of rapid changing industry and global flow of resources, it is more important for entrepreneurs to make the right choice than to work hard! They should first find their own unique niche in the industry to maximize their returns and achieve the highest efficiency with the same effort. In recent years, there are a lot of entrepreneurship-related research that study “Why entrepreneurs start a business?” However, research about “Why ordinary people do not start a business?” and “Career beliefs” are not common. This research, therefore, made comparisons between entrepreneurs and ordinary people in their entrepreneurial behaviors to see if there are any significant cognitive differences. The entrepreneurial career beliefs will affect how entrepreneurs deal with the problems and challenges they encountered in the entrepreneurial process. It tries to find out the key factors that makes entrepreneurial behaviors happen. It also realizes the point of view that everyone can become an entrepreneur. Through the collection of relevant literature, discussion and induction, the main axis of correlation between career beliefs and entrepreneurial cognition is revealed.


1.Da-Cherng (2015) 創業相關文獻,創業研究的理論基礎〔On-line〕
2.天海(2016)《 每一次困境,都是療癒的開始:遇見內在12種人格原型,重新找回生命主導權》麥田。
