  • 學位論文


A Study of the Cognition of High School Students' Decision on Applying for Admission to Taiwan Technical College : A Case Study of Design Group Students

指導教授 : 王桂沰 郭原昌


少子化所導致的學生數下降,招生不足、減班廢系、科系整併、學校合併、停辦廢校、教師失業,引發一連續的教育問題。從2014年2月高鳳數位內容學院第一間停招、接著8月底永達技術學院退場、2018年高美醫護管理專科學校、與2019年亞太創意技術學院及南榮技術學院都接連陸續地停辦,未來只有更多大專私校退場,這都是現在進行式。 綜觀過去的文獻,研究主要以學校整體學生為對象,研究成果涵蓋各學群學生的認知,習慣從整體架構來思考問題,未考量到不同學群的學生,升學與選擇校系的態度或是招生宣傳策略。高職科系眾多,每個科系所學又不盡相同,形成各學群學生的價值觀、人格特質、或思考行為上的差異,自然而然他們的就學態度也有所不同。現今的教育政策與改革主張,都著重以各種不同面向發掘學生才能的多元入學制度,取代以往單純以學科成績篩選的考試分發。 因此站在多元視角,懂得善用「市場區隔」的方式,將招生對象切分成許多不同的學群為目標,然後依照各學群學生的需求來做調整,再配合學校特色與系所專長發展出各自招生的政策,才更能呼應12年國教「適性揚才」的理念,學校找到對的學生,學生也能清楚未來興趣的所在,大學招生策略才會隨之改變,在於招生品質上便會益加明顯。此外,本人長期在大學設計系所任職,對設計群的學生較為熟悉。經過審慎思辨採以設計群學生為研究的對象切入,因此,研究者決定以現階段高職設計群的學生對技專校院選校意願認知作為研究主題。 本研究採用問卷調查法,收集一般大學或是技專校院學生選校意願探討的文獻為依據,並進一步分析歸納出學生選校評估準則之量表問卷作為研究工具,並發放1400份,其中受測者填答不全與產生遺漏值之回卷共計 38份,刪除後有效樣本1362份,所得資料以統計軟體執行分析,採用描述統計方法、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差與多元逐步迴歸分析等相關等統計方法進行資料處理與分析。另外為了可以更清楚學生內心的知覺觀感,搭配採取焦點團體訪談法,隨機抽取11位大一設計相關的新鮮人做為受訪對象,以獲取直接的意見,根據以上研究發現與結論,本研究提出以下之建議: 1. 應著重網路上的口碑 2. 招生廣告規劃應以網路形式宣傳為主 3. 量身訂做不同學生屬性的招生策略 4. 以學生立場設計網站並隨時更新校、系(所)的網頁訊息 5. 增加Youtube影片廣告預算 關鍵詞:招生、選校意願、評估指標、設計群


招生 選校意願 評估指標 設計群


The decrease in the number of students caused by declining birthrates, inadequate enrollment, reduction of classes and abolition of departments, consolidation of departments, integration of schools, suspension of schools, and unemployment of teachers have led to a continuous education system problem. Starting from the Kao Fong College of Digital Contents in 2014, then the suspension of the Yung Ta Institute of Technology & Commerce, the 2018 Kaomei College of Health Care and Management, the Asia-Pacific Institute of Creativity and the Nan Jeon University of Science and Technology all exited in succession in 2019, and there may be more colleges and universities in the future. The school retired, this is what is happening now. Looking at the past literature, the research mainly focused on the overall students of the school. The research results covered the cognition of the students in each academic group. They were used to thinking about the problem from the overall structure. The students who did not take into account the different academic groups, their attitudes to higher education and school selection, or Admissions promotion strategy. There are many higher vocational departments, and each department is different. What forms the differences in values, personality traits, or thinking behaviors of students in each academic group. Naturally, their attitudes to school are also different. Today's education policies and reform proposals have focused on replacing the distribution of examinations based solely on subject scores with a variety of diverse admission systems that seek out the talents of students. Therefore, from a multi-perspective perspective, know how to make good use of the "market segmentation" method, and divide the enrollment target into many different academic groups as the goal, and then adjust according to the needs of students in each academic group, and then cooperate with the characteristics of the school and the expertise of the department. The development of their own enrollment policies can better respond to the 12-year country education "adapted talent" concept. The school finds the right students, and the students can understand where their future interests lie. It will increase significantly. In addition, I have been in the university design department for a long time, and I am more familiar with students in the design group. After deliberately considering the design group students as the research object, the researchers decided to take the students of the vocational design group at this stage as the research theme for the selection of technical colleges and universities. This research adopts a Survey Techniques, collects the literature of general college or technical college students' willingness to choose a school as the basis, and further analysis and summarizes the questionnaire for evaluating the selection criteria of students as a research tool, and 1400 copies are distributed, of which a total of 38 copies of incomplete responses and missing values of the testees were deleted, and the valid samples were 1,362. The obtained data was analyzed by statistical software. Related statistical methods such as Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Multiple Stepwise Regression analysis were used for data processing and analysis. In addition, in order to clarify the students' sensations and perceptions, The Focus Group Research Method was used to randomly select 11 freshmen who are related to the design department as interviewees. It can obtain direct opinions. Based on the findings and conclusions of the above studies, this study proposes the following: 1. Focus on public praise on the Internet 2. Admissions planning should be based on online promotion 3. Tailored enrollment strategies for different student attributes 4. Design a website from a student standpoint and update the webpage information of the school, department (institution) at any time 5. Increase your YouTube video budget Keywords: enrollment, willingness to choose schools, evaluation indicators, design groups


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