  • 學位論文


A Study of Human Assemblage Accommodation Using Motion-image Techniques

指導教授 : 張子修


隨著社會的進步發展,各種型態的大型公共空間陸續出現,惟其空間容納量是否足夠;如何確保是否足夠容納觀眾人數,是興建公共集會空間後所需要面臨的挑戰。故本研究以軌跡追蹤及空間轉化為研究主題,所使用的研究方法,包括:方法論I:動態影像之轉譯機制以及方法論II: Grasshopper參數形態衍生-空間形構之設計方法;動態影像之追蹤則可以協助研究者將基本步伐的動作軌跡依序回傳到電腦上,並且重新分析解構;利用參數型態演算軟體grasshopper,研究者可以透過分析數據的輸入,參數的設定與空間之建構,形構出多種方案之空間型態。因此,透過上述的研究方法,探討空間中無形的動態軌跡,應該如何忠實地被轉化到空間上,故演算分析之結果被形構出空間型態後,針對不同的集會空間提出空間形態可能衍生出的組構方式。本文藉由整合兩種設計方法為一種空間組構的分析流程,分析國立臺中科技大學之公共集會空間案例。


Post-design issue rises with various types of large-scale public spaces were developed as the modern lifestyle evolving, such as challenges of ensuring enough capacity and volume quantitive. Therefore, the study focuses on the application of dynamics tracing and space transformation to assist architecture design. The research methods include two methodologies which are the mechanism of dynamic image interpreting and morphology design method through Grasshopper parametric for space form derivation. Furthermore, with the first methodology basic step motion trace sequence was uploaded, deconstruct, and analyzed. As for the second one, data collected previously were input to Grasshopper, a parametric programming language, with settings of parametric and virtual space modeling, and several cases of space form were generated at the end of the process. Consequently, through the research methods mentioned above, invisible dynamics were investigated to transform virtually into space form. Moreover, after a specific form of space was simulated, the result of the algorithm analysis may be concluded to provide possible space configurations according to variables of different assembly spaces assumed. The study combined those two methodologies into an analysis procedure for configuring spaces primarily and applied it to analyze a real auditorium case in the National Taichung University of Science and Technology.


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【2】 國立臺中科技大學(2019)。引用於2019年6月23日,取自https://reurl.cc/rlXe7N。
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