  • 學位論文


Applying Performance Evaluation Matrix to Examine English Learning Environment in Military, R.O.C

指導教授 : 邱國欽 蘇綉惠


自西方工業革命以來,西方強權憑恃其先進科技奠定領導世界地位。我國自經歷鴉片戰爭後奮發圖強,以「師夷之長以制夷」為口號,大力推動洋務運動。為汲取西方新進科技與軍事事務革新之新思維,強化新一代軍人的語文能力,即成為提升官兵整體素質之關鍵因素。近年因應國際戰略情勢需要並與世界接軌,台美雙方均維持固定的軍事交流工作,因而需要相當數量的軍事語文人才。然而,近年社會青年從軍意願偏低,影響台美軍事交流成效。本文運用績效評估方法,並建立邏輯斯回歸模式,以國軍某單位為研究對象,檢視軍中英語學習成效,並提供建議改善策略。 本研究採群集隨機抽樣問卷調查方式蒐集資料,並使用SPSS 20版本軟體實施統計分析,整體信度Cronbach’s α值為0.983。於相關性檢定分析中,發現「役別」等三個類別變數與「官兵是否喜歡學習英文」有顯著相關。邏輯斯迴歸分析中發現,對「教育程度」等六項類別變數有顯著區別能力,整體判別正確率為74.4%。最後透過績效評估矩陣增列管制界限分析發現,21個題項數中則有7個題項需要改進。 關鍵字:服務品質、獨立性檢定、績效評估矩陣、邏輯斯迴歸模型


Since the Industrial Revolution in 1760, the western powers have founded as leading roles to the world by bearing their advanced technologies. The Qing government of China had strived for its survival by the emerging concept of “taking advantage of barbarian power and inventions, to resist the barbarians and to be on a proper footing with them” so as to prevent its perish from foreign powers by implementing “Self-Strengthening Movement”. In order to absorb western advanced technologies and military innovations, enhancing language capabilities of military personnel has become an essential issue for promoting servicemen and servicewomen’s overall qualities. In recent years, in order to maintain national security, the Republic of China must come up with the requirement of international strategy and to seek the connection with the world under the construction of mutual military relations between the ROC and the US. Thus, the requirements of competent English talents in military had emerged. However, the willingness of potential enlisted men and women for military recruitment have being stayed low, it will impact the effectiveness of military exchanges between the ROC and the US. In this study, it employed Performance Evaluation Matrix as the instrument, and used logistic regression model to examine the English learning environment in the barracks and to provide suggestions for improvement as the references to the military. This study used cluster random sample as the approach and the questionnaire as the instrument for surveying, the collected data had been analyzed through the SPSS 20 statistics system. The overall Cronbach’s α value of the reliability was 0.98. In dependent test analysis, there were 3 categorical variables which had revealed significant correlation with the independent variable “do you like to learn English?”. In logistic regression analysis, there were 6 out of 21 categorical variables had shown significant correlations. The overall correct percentage was 74.4%. Lastly, through the analysis of PEM, 7 items out of 21 were found and need to be improved. Keywords: service quality, chi-square test, performance evaluation matrix, logistic regression model


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