  • 學位論文


The Study of Hakka Teaching Process at Dong Dong Preschool

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究利用質性研究取向來探究東東幼兒園配合政府客語政策推動客語教學過程中,園長和教保人員在行政、教學上的作法、實施成效、面臨的困境和因應策略。研究者於108年1月、7月、8月分別訪談園長、客語組長及教保人員等四位資深教保人員,蒐集資料後配合相關文獻、教學文件和公文檔案等多元資料,進行分析與歸納。研究結果如下: 壹、東東幼兒園推展客語之現況與推展作法 一、行政面現況:包括(一)園長堅持推動客語教學之決策;(二)教保服務人員的全力支持;(三)落實各項客語教學政策等,因此成為全臺中市第一所客語示範幼兒園,同時期許東東幼兒園成為一個優良的客語教學環境。 二、教學面現況:包括(一)客語教學融入節慶與在地文化之環境規劃;(二)華客雙語沈浸式教學融入主題課程;(三)一日作息生活客語融入全園性、節慶活動;(四)教保服務人員客語專業能力提升等,藉由環境會說話的概念,讓生活化課程與全園師生營造全客語的學習環境。 貳、東東幼兒園實施幼兒客語教學之成效 東東幼兒園實施幼兒客語教學有以下幾項成效:一、團結齊心爭取客語各階段認證及薪傳師資格;二、多次獲頒客語生活學校競賽績優獎項;三、歷年幼兒園客家歌謠比賽得獎無數;四、出版多本東勢在地客家文化之繪本創作,作為客語教學之延伸教材。 參、客語教學之困境與因應策略 東東幼兒園實施幼兒客語教學曾面臨幾項困境:一、客語流通與家長支持不足;二、園內教保服務人員客語授課專業能力不足;三、大埔腔在地客語教學資源不足。其因應策略如下:一、鼓勵師生將客語沈浸於一日生活作息之中,透過親子共學讓客語成為家庭習慣用語;二、鼓勵教保服務人員取得客語相關認證及薪傳師資格,透過各項研習提升專業;三、敦促政府甄選具客語專長之在地教保服務人員,解決客語教學人才窘境;四、鼓勵園內教保服務人員創作大埔腔客語繪本、自製教具教材融入主題運用。 根據研究結果,針對推動客語教學之主管單位、實施客語教學之幼兒園、及後續研究者提出相關研究建議。 關鍵字:客語示範幼兒園、客語沉浸式教學、客語教學


This study used qualitative researches to approach to investigate the processes of Hakka instruction promoted by the government in Taiwan, including teaching and administration of preschool director and educators, implementation effects, difficulties encountered, and resolution strategies. Four senior preschool educators, including director, Hakka team leader, and caregivers were interviewed in January, July, and August of 2019. Interview contents, related literature, instructional materials and administration documents that were analyzed and examined. The findings are as followed. I. Status and practices of promoting Hakka at Dong dong preschool 1. Administration aspect: (1) Principal of preschool director insisted on promoting Hakka instruction; (2) Preschool educators fully supported the policy; (3) The policy of Hakka instruction was implemented, it was the first Hakka exemplary preschool in Taichung, with the expectation that Dong dong preschool will provide quality Hakka instruction environment. 2. Instruction aspect: (1) Hakka instruction was integrated into environment planning of festivals and local cultures; (2) Immersive instruction of Mandarin and Hakka were integrated to thematic curriculum; (3) Hakka was integrated into daily schedule, preschool activities and festival activities; (4) Educators’ professional competencies of Hakka instruction were enhanced, educators created an environment and lively curriculum constructive to Hakka learning for both educators and students. II. Effects of Hakka instruction at Dong dong preschool Effects of Hakka instruction at Dong dong preschool:1.Educators work together for every stage qualified and the Hakka teacher certificate. 2. Not only one time being awarded of Hakka school lives competition.3. Uncountable times of winning Hakka singing contests.4. Publications of story books: creations of story books of Dongshi. III. Difficulties encountered and resolution strategies of Hakka instruction Dong dong Preschool has faced several difficulties in the implementation of preschoolers' Hakka teaching:1. Shorting of supporting form parents and Hakka communication;2. The professional abilities aren`t enough the Preschool educators;3. Lack the resources of local professional teaching; The resolutions are as following:1. Encourage teachers and Studer its enjoy the daily lives with Hakka, making parents have the best interaction with kids through learning this language together;2.Inspire Preschool educators to get professional certification and Hakka teacher to be improved through any advanced course;3.Supervise our government to recruit local Preschool educators with the profession languages of Hakka;4.Cheer Preschool educators to create Hakka storybooks with illustration DIY teaching aids to be fit in the topic about Hakka teaching. Key word: Guest, Hakka teaching of Hakka demonstration Preschool, Language immersing teaching


Michael Quinn Patton.(1995)。質的評鑑與研究(QUALITATIVE EVALUAION AND RESEARCH METHOD)。(吳芝儀、李奉儒譯)。台北:桂冠。(原書發行於1980)
