  • 學位論文


Effect of Tourism Destination Image, Place Attachment on Loyalty

指導教授 : 楊文廣 李冠穎


2009年至2011年,國人出國人次成長15.6%、旅遊消費總支出增長13.8%,呈現出國人赴國外旅遊風氣日盛、國外旅遊消費能力具潛力。在旅遊次數與消費力增加同時,旅遊品質與各旅遊地間特殊品牌形象與特色將成為下一階段遊客重視之重要議題。 過去研究對於旅遊地意象提升將影響旅遊地價值已有廣泛探討。而本研究為彌補過去研究缺口,除了將旅遊地意象視為品牌建構的重要因素,同時將旅遊地視為一品牌,考慮遊客本身個性與旅遊地點品牌個性的一致性程度,進一步探討遊客對於旅遊地依附與忠誠度之影響效果。 為使本模式在理論上可一般化,本研究選擇泰國與香港兩旅遊地進行模型驗證。透過立意抽樣發放過去半年間曾至香港與泰國旅遊之遊客,香港與泰國兩旅遊地區共發放1,200份問卷(泰國634份、香港566份),刪除無效問卷後,有效回收泰國554份與香港507份有效問卷,泰國有效回收率為92.1%,香港有效回收率90.5%。 泰國與香港資料經統計分析後結果如下:旅遊地意象與個性一致性將正向影響旅遊地依附;旅遊地依附越強烈,忠誠度也會越高。在旅遊地意象方面,較能代表泰國的是社會環境,可見在旅遊過程中遊客接觸到意象較深刻的是泰國的居民生活的方式與習慣。代表香港的旅遊地意象則是自然與文化,可以解釋出香港雖為購物天堂,但其融合了數百年的殖民歷史所留下的建築或文化,讓遊客印象深刻。個性一致性上:與泰國相近的個性有迷人與創造力可見遊客在旅遊的過程中,泰國使遊客感受的個性是迷人與創造力的感覺。而遊客對香港的個性一致性上,則有驚奇、創造、迷人、外向,可見香港品牌個性代表著更多元化,且在旅遊過程中,不單單只有過去較廣為人知的單純購物行為,旅遊之中所感受到較深刻的是香港的在地文化。


From 2009 to 2011, the percentage of Taiwanese traveling abroad grows by 15.6% and the total travel expenses also grow by 13.8%, an indication of both Taiwanese’s growing interests in international travels and the huge potential in the spending power of international travels. As frequency of travel and spending power increases, the quality of travel and the special brand images and features among different travel destinations will certainly be the next key issue that attracts tourists’ attentions. There are already extensive studies in how enhancements in destination image can influence destination value. This study, in order to compensate those past research gaps, besides treating destination image as an important factor in brand building, the tourism destination will be taken as a brand and the consistency between tourist personality and destination brand personality will be considered to further explore influences of tourists toward destination attachment and loyalty. In order to generalize this model theoretically, this study chooses two tourism destinations of Thailand and Hong Kong for model verification. Through purposive sampling of tourists who had traveled to Hong Kong and Thailand in the past six months, a total of 1,200 questionnaires had been issued for two tourism destinations of Thailand and Hong Kong (634 copies for Thailand and 566 copies for Hong Kong). After removal of invalid questionnaires, the effective recoveries of valid questionnaires are Thailand’s 554 copies with an effective recovery rate of 92.1% and Hong Kong’s 507 copies with an effective recovery rate of 90.5%. After statistical analysis, the results for data of Thailand and Hong Kong are: the consistency of destination image and personality will positively affect the destination attachment; the stronger the destination attachment, the higher the loyalty will be. For destination image, society environment is a good representation of Thailand; therefore it is obvious that during the tour, what tourist most impressive about are the lifestyles and habits of Thai residents. The representation of Hong Kong’s destination image is nature and culture; although Hong Kong is a shopping paradise, but its fusion of several centuries of colonial buildings and cultures also give its tourists a profound impression. For personality consistency: Thailand’s closest personalities are charming and creativity; therefore during the tour, the personalities that tourist experiences are sensations of Thailand’s charming and creativity. The personalities that tourist experiences in Hong Kong are surprise, creativity, charming, and outgoing; it is clear that Hong Kong’s brand personality is much more dynamic. And during the tour, it does not limit to the already well-known simple shopping behaviors but rather, the more in-depth impression of Hong Kong is in its local culture.


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