  • 學位論文


A Study of Information Technology Integrated Early childhood Curriculum with New Curriculum Guidelines

指導教授 : 梁珀華


本研究是採行動研究的方式,探討教師如何運用資訊科技融入在新課綱主題教學當中;以及在實施的過程中幼兒的學習反應與表現是如何;最後探討在資訊科技融入教學的過程中,會遭遇到那些困難與挑戰。藉由觀察、訪談、省思、文件資料的蒐集與分析當中,來探討資訊科技融入新課綱主題教學的歷程。本研究的歷程與獲得的結論如下: 一、資訊科技融入新課綱主題教學的歷程共進行四個方案 :「我們的鄰居-圖書館」、「熱鬧有趣的廟宇」、「英勇的警察」、「大家一起蓋房屋」;教師選擇適當的資訊科技,適時融入於教學中,且結合電腦區的規劃與操作,幼兒也會運用資訊科技來解決學習上的困惑與疑問。 二、幼兒對於資訊科技融入課程後的反應都很熱絡,充滿好奇及興趣,並且可以引發幼兒對學習的興趣,激發出許多的討論。 三、幼兒在電腦操作上是很興奮、勇於嘗試的,尤其是對於遊戲操作的部份相當有興趣,會一再的想再度嘗試看看,幼兒間的互動也越來越多。 四、在資訊科技融入新課綱主題教學中,教師所遭遇到的困難,在內在因素的影響包含課程設計及教師因素,而外在因素的影響包含幼兒知能與表現、電腦軟硬體設備、行政因素以及其他因素,教師在行動研究的歷程中,針對這些問題提出因應策略與解決方法。


Based on an action research approach, this study investigated how a teacher applied information technology in thematic teaching of the New Curriculum Guideline, young children’s learning responses and performances, and finally, the difficulties and challenges that the teacher encountered during implementation of the information technology integrated thematic teaching. The implementation process of the information technology integrated thematic teaching included observation, interview, reflection, and analysis of related documents. The main conclusions were as follows: 1. The information technology integrated thematic teaching of the New Curriculum Guideline consisted of four plans, including “Our neighbor – Library”, “Crowded and interesting temples”, “Brave policemen”, and “Building a house together”. The teacher chose proper information technology, arranged the computer corner, and then integrated the technology into thematic teaching appropriately. Young children also utilized the information technology to clarify confusion and find answers in learning. 2. Young children showed curiosity and interest in the information technology integrated thematic teaching. The information technology integrated thematic teaching aroused their learning interest and more discussion among them. 3. When using computers, young students were excited and willing to try new things. Especially in games, they would try to accomplish the mission again and again, and the interactions between them also increased. 4. As to the difficulties encountered by the teacher in the information technology integrated thematic teaching, internal factors included curriculum design and the teacher’s own factors, while external factors included young children’s knowledge and performance, computer software and hardware, administrative factor, and other factor. In this action research, the teacher also developed coping strategies and solutions to these problems.


龔建昌(2002)。資訊科技融入健康與體育學習領域之行動研究(未出版之碩 士論文)。台北師範學院,台北市。
