  • 學位論文


Indigenous Culture of Rituals and Ceremonies in Conflict with the Development of Tourism : An Example of the Mayasvi of Tribe Tsou in Mountain Ali

指導教授 : 陳勇瑞 李素箱


摘要 國內休閒觀光資源,在興起深度旅遊之後,原鄉部落人文與傳統領域的魅力,就成了國人甚至是國外遊客到台灣就會安排前往參訪的地點,其中在原民的歲時祭儀,因具有特色的風俗,成了觀光主管單位力推的新景點。 阿里山鄒族的Mayasvi祭儀,是文化部首批頒定的無形文化資產,加上阿里山原本就是國內外知名景點,因此歲時祭儀的舉辦,更每每讓遊客趨之若鶩。本技術報告所探討,是從觀光政策與實際操作面,傳統祭儀的神聖性與是否適合被開發成為觀光資源進行研究,並以立意調查法、半結構式訪談部落族人、學者、旅遊業者、政府人員。透過訪談與文獻之梳理,本研究發現在不干擾祭儀的先決條件下,部落對於觀光客參與傳統祭儀,並不排斥,而彙整研究內容,可提供如下建議: 1. 政府部門制定政策須以部落意願為主體。 2. 需給予觀光從業人員原民文化相關培訓課程。 3. 文化產業政策,不能只追求績效,而是需要長期扎根。 4. 部落族人須建立社區群體對觀光開放的共識,與政府單位及觀光業者開闢溝通管道,外界認識部落文化之美。 5. 可建立先導文化課程,讓遊客對祭儀的莊嚴有所認識。 關鍵字:鄒族、Mayasvi、原民傳統祭儀、觀光衝擊


Abstract Our domestic scenic spots, especially the cultural and traditional territories of indigenous tribes, become the must see for both overseas and local tourists after the rising trend of in-depth travel. The tourism bureaus also promote the annual ceremonies of the indigenous because of their featured social customs. The Mayasvi ceremony of tribe Tsou in mountain A-li is the first intangible heritage declared by the Ministry of Culture. Plus the world widely famous mountain A-li, the annual ceremony attracts a large number of admiring tourists. This thesis focuses on the suitability of the sacred nature of traditional ceremony developed into a touring scenery and uses the purposive survey and half-structured interviews with the people of the tribe Tsou, scholars, personnel of the tourism industry and government. The analysis of these interviews and documents finds out the tribe is not against to the tourists' involvement in the ceremony under certain level of regulations. The study also suggests: 1. The formulation of policy of government should respect the tribe will. 2. The personnel of tourism industry needs relative training of indigenous culture. 3. The policy about culture not only pursues achievement but also takes root in the long run. 4. The people of tribe Tsou should build consensus of opening community to tourism and communication with government and tourism industry in order to present the beauty to the world. 5. Construction of the pilot courses for the tourists prepared for the sacred and majestic ceremony. Keywords: Tribe Tsou, Mayasvi, traditional indigenous ceremony, tourism impacts


  地方鄉鎮觀光產業發展與前瞻學術研討會論文集:81 - 95
