  • 學位論文


Building the B2B Customer Loyalty: A Role of Relationship Quality

指導教授 : 楊文廣 柳立偉


本研究旨在探討電子商務B2B供應商與顧客間關係品質與忠誠度。利用關係品質理論解釋B2B顧客忠誠度,並且加入PLS-MGA進行比較不同洲別之顧客。研究對象為臺灣某一供應商ERP系統內之顧客,總共獲得81份有效問卷,本研究採用描述性統計、偏最小平方法與PLS-MGA進行統計分析。研究結果顯示,顧客導向正向且顯著影響關係品質,而資訊共享對關係品質並無顯著影響,此研究結果顯示出供應商可透過以顧客為導向的產品建立更強的關係品質,以提高顧客對供應商之忠誠度;此外,在PLS-MGA結果顯示,亞洲與歐洲顧客在關係品質對忠誠度與承諾對忠誠度上有顯著差異;美洲與歐洲顧客在整體模式上有顯著差異。故本研究認為B2B供應商應了解B2B顧客的需求,並針對不同洲別之顧客,制定不同的策略。 關鍵字:資訊共享、顧客導向、跨文化差異、PLS-SEM


The purpose of this study was to investigate the E-Commerce relationship quality and loyalty in B2B supplier and client’s relationships. This study tries to conceptualize a model based on the relationship quality that is applied to understand loyalty in B2B and compare the clients in different continents. The subjects of this study, from whom 81 valid questionnaires were collected, were the clients of the supplier’s ERP system in the Taiwan. When descriptive statistics, partial least squares (PLS) and PLS-MGA were adopted to analyze the collected valid data, we obtained the following findings. Relationship quality was perceived through the behavior of both supplier and clients and the quality of their interaction. Relationship quality antecedents include the information sharing and customer orientation. The finding suggests that supplier with strong levels of customer orientation, the supplier and clients were built a stronger relationship and high loyalty. Surprisingly, information sharing shown no significant effects on the relationship quality. This study implies that using information sharing and customer orientation strengthen their relationship quality, thereby enhancing loyalty. Besides, comparing clients in different continents the results shows that Asia vs. Europe, Relationship Quality to Loyalty and Commitment to Loyalty have a significant difference; America vs. Europe show a complete difference in the model of this study. The finding of this study implies that it is important for a B2B supplier management to understand clients’ needs and responses. And another finding is what the needs of clients in different continents are B2B suppliers can learn from this study. Keywords: Information sharing, customer orientation, cross-culture, PLS-SEM


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