  • 學位論文


A Study of Trends and Strategic Analysis of LED Lighting Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊智超


百年前愛迪生發明燈泡,改變了人類對於照明的認知,隨著技術的提升以及相關燈具的改良,為人類生活帶來莫大的方便,隨著照明亮度的要求,各國電力的需求量也大增,在明亮的夜空及繁華的都市背後,卻存在著電力嚴重負荷的問題。LED照明是近幾年才開始量產化的產品。其具備許多優點,包括體積小、點光源發光效率高、壽命長、操作反應快速、可靠度高、不易損壞、本身無水銀及有害物質的汙染,目前白光LED亮度已達每瓦25流明以上,其應用範圍包括液晶顯示板背光源、各類型手機背光源以及目前正開始大量應用的室內外照明等用途,因此,隨著高亮度白光LED的量產,半導體照明對於現有照明產業投下了震撼彈,勢必將牽動著未來照明應用的發展。 本研究以競爭優勢的角度,對LED照明進行分析,並找出現階段適合LED照明產業優勢的架構,作為政府及企業未來發展方向的參考。


LED 半導體照明 照明產業


Hundred years ago, Edison invented the light bulb and changed the illumination cognition of mankind. Along with the promotion of technical and the improvement of correlation lamps and lanterns, It becomes more convenient for the livelihood of the humanity. The requirement of each country is increasing because of the demand of illumination. But it is the huge load question of electric power behind the brilliant of prosperous city. The LED illumination only starts the mass production in recent years, it has many merits, like small volume, the point luminous source but well efficiency, the life is longer, the operant response is fast, high reliability, is not easy to damage, without mercury and the deleterious substance pollution. At present the white LED brightness has already reached above 25 lumen / W. The application scope of LED including the back light source of liquid crystal display panel and various types of handset as well as present is starting massive application used of indoor outside illumination. Therefore, along with mass production of the high luminance white light LED quantity, the lighting semiconductor was serious convulsed to illumination property. And will affect the application development in the future. This research used to analyze the LED illumination by the angle of competitive advantage. And to discover the frame that suit the advantage of LED illumination industry in Present stage. This research can be the reference of the government and enterprise to development the direction in the future.


LED illumination lighting semiconductor


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