  • 學位論文


Heavy Metals Bioavailability and Washing Efficiency of Sewage Sludge

指導教授 : 程淑芬


隨著經濟快速成長以及科技日新月異,水,為人類日常生活的重要資源之一,隨著生活品質的提升,人民用水量也隨之增加,相對也伴隨著大量的生活廢水處理問題,因此自民國81年起國內便積極推動下水道工程之建設。然而隨著下水道的普及,污泥產量也逐年增多,處置龐大的污泥是即將面臨的環境問題。為了尋求污泥的再利用可行技術,本研究針對台灣中部地區福田水資源回收中心污泥餅及厭氧消化污泥進行重金屬之含量及生物有效性進行分析,並將厭氧消化污泥進行高分子聚合物之無添加與添加,再以不同處理條件之污泥進行污泥清洗試驗,藉此評估清洗污泥去除重金屬污染及再利用之可行性。 清洗試驗顯示,污泥餅中重金屬之清洗效率都以氯化鐵為最佳,且重金屬鉛經氯化鐵清洗後會導致其生物有效性提高。厭氧污泥部分,有添加高分子聚合物污泥之清洗效率比無添加高分子聚合物污泥之清洗效率較佳,且會導致其重金屬銅、鎘、鉛以及鋅之生物有效性提高。


For the face-pace growth of economy and technology, water, as an essential resource in our daily lives, the consumption of such has increased along with the improvement of quality of life and brought relatively numbers of polluted water issues. Thus, the government has executed the construction of sanitary sewer actively since 1992. The universal of sewer, however, increased the amount of silt every year. The disposition of quantity silt is an expected environmental issue. To seek for the applicable technology of reusing silt, the study aimed at Futen Water Recycling Center of Central Taiwan and analyzed sludge cakes and anaerobic digestion sludge with content of heavy metals and bioavailability, performed the non-additive and additive of Polymer in anaerobic digestion sludge and made the test of cleaning sludge with different condition in order to evaluate the applicability of removing heavy metal pollution and reusing by cleaning. The cleaning test showed that it has the highest efficiency to clean heavy metals in sludge cakes with FeCl3, and cause increment of bioavailability. In the aspect of anaerobic digestion sludge, the clean efficiency of anaerobic digestion sludge with Polymer is higher than without Polymer. The bioavailability of heavy metal copper, cadmium, lead and zinc of such also increase.


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