  • 學位論文


Research on the Concepts of Fruit and Vegetable Cut-section Browning Effect for Kindergarten Children through POE Teaching Strategy

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


本研究旨在探討以預測-觀察-解釋(POE)教學策略對學齡前幼兒實施「蔬果切面變色」教學活動之成效,包含迷思概念及其改變情形。研究對象為研究者所任教幼兒園中的28名中小班混齡幼兒。透過六項主題活動整合四個概念進行為期2個月共16次的教學活動。教學成果以描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子共變數(ANCOVA)進行量化分析,並輔以質性資料蒐集,研究結果與發現歸納如下: 一、預測階段中發現幼兒對於「蔬果切面變色」的現象認知受限於直觀經 驗或語言描述而產生不同的迷思概念。 二、觀察階段透過所設計之體驗活動,提供幼兒對「蔬果切面變色」多元 而系統性之觀察,有助於豐富幼兒的觀察經驗,引導科學概念的形塑。 三、解釋階段配合教具操作引導,提升幼兒對於基礎自然現象的認知。 四、POE 教學策略有助於建構幼兒自然科學探究能力的鷹架。 五、幼兒「年齡」在某些教學活動成果中呈現顯著差異,小班幼兒的學習 效果優於中班,顯示提早以系統性之教學策略融入自然現象觀測,有 助於協助幼兒建立科學概念。 六、幼兒「性別」對教學活動成效並無顯著差異,顯示 POE 教學應不受 幼兒性別之影響。


蔬果變色 幼兒科教 POE教學


In this article, we investigate the learning outcomes, including the science misconception and its correction, for preschool children on a science curriculum with the topic of “browning effect of the cut-section of vegetable and fruits” through prediction-observation-explanation (POE)teaching strategy. The subject includes 28 pre-school children in level 1 and level 2 of the kindergarten the author taught. The teaching program, composed of six activities integrating four major concepts, was carried out in 16 successive curriculums over a period of two months. The teaching effects were quantitatively analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent-samples and paired-samples T tests and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)together with qualitative observation. The results showed that: 1.In the prediction stage, the misconception of pre-school children toward the browning effect of vegetable and fruits was restricted by the experience and expression ability 2.In the observation stage, the systemic and multiple observation activities lead to enrich the children’s experience toward the browning effect and shape the relative scientific conceptions. 3.In the explanation stage, utilization of teaching aids could promote the cognition toward natural phenomena. 4.POE teaching strategy is helpful in constructing the scaffold for scientific inquiry for pre-school children. 5.In some of the activities, the learning outcomes for level 1 children is higher than that of level 2 children. This result indicates the earlier the systematic teaching strategy could be involved in the observation of natural phenomena, the more prominent the effect to assist the children to build up their scientific conception. 6.There is no significant difference in learning outcomes between genders.


