  • 學位論文


Analysis of Nutritious Ingredients in Wufeng Rice

指導教授 : 許世興


稻米俗稱大米,通常簡稱為米,是目前東方人飲食中最為重要的主食農作物之一,其耕種以及實用的歷史非常悠久。稻米中所含的營養成分價值非常高,其營養成分大多為人體所需的重要營養成分,重要營養成分分為熱量、蛋白質、脂肪、飽和脂肪、反式脂肪、碳水化合物、鉀、糖以及鈉九種,現在食品產品中都需要標示其相關標籤,好讓消費者能夠清楚明白此食品的相關營養成分。 本研究取自台灣生產的台梗9號、台南11號、台梗16號、台農71號、台中192號稻米,利用原子吸收光譜儀,針對五種糙米所含的鉀成分進行分析。最後經由計算測得每100公克的台梗9號鉀含量約為74.48mg,每100公克台南11號鉀含量約為54.57mg,每100公克台梗16號鉀含量約為79.03mg,每100公克台農71號鉀含量約為128.21mg,每100公克的台梗192號鉀含量約為78.54mg。 本實驗以公告方法進行測定食品中的八大營養成分,分別為熱量、蛋白質、脂肪、飽和脂肪、反式脂肪、碳水化合物、糖以及鈉。其結果每100公克營養含量為,熱量349.4大卡、蛋白質6.0公克、脂肪2.7公克、碳水化合物75.2公克、糖1.0公克、鈉7.4微克、水分15公克、灰分1.1公克。 關鍵字:稻米、原子吸收光譜儀、鉀、八大營養成分


Rice, it is one of the most important staple food crops in the diet of Orientals, its cultivation and practical history is very long. The nutritional content of rice is very high, most of its nutrients are important nutrients required by the human body, important nutrients are divided into nine types: calories, protein, fat, saturated fat, trans fat, carbohydrate, potassium, sugar and sodium, now food products need to be labeled with relevant labels, so that consumers can clearly understand the relevant nutrients of this food. This study was taken from Taigan 9, Tainan 11, Taigan 16, Tainong 71, Taichung 192 rice produced in Taiwan, using atomic absorption spectrometer, analysis of potassium content in five types of rice, finally, the potassium content of Taigan No. 9 is about 74.48mg per 100g, the potassium content of Tainan No. 11 is about 54.57mg per 100g, the potassium content of Taigan No. 16 is about 79.03mg per 100g, the potassium content of Tainong 71 is about 128.21mg per 100g, the potassium content of Taiwan Terrier No. 192 is about 78.54mg per 100g of gram through calculation. This experiment uses the announcement method to determine the eight major nutrients in food, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium, water and ash. As a result, the nutritional content per 100 grams is 349.4 Calories, 6.0 g of protein, fat 2.7g, carbohydrate 75.2 g, 1.0 g of sugar, sodium 7.4 mg, 15 g of water, ash 1.1g. Keyword: Rice, Atomic absorption spectrometer, Potassium, Eight-major nutrients.


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