  • 學位論文


Research on the Planning and Design of Urban Vertical Farm Settlement

指導教授 : 馮世人


因經濟社會的影響,造成全球都市化快速發展,都市的土地寸土寸金,人們在自有土地上因利益而忽視了周邊生態,氣候的變遷,綠覆率低的城市造成都市熱島效應嚴重影響居民的生活品質。科技的進步也影響了人與人之間的關係,在現代網路便利之下,人們藉由通訊軟體聯絡,造成面對面的交流、接觸機會減少,產生了都市人們不喜歡透明式生活,不善與人互動、表達並會感到不自在,對所居的社區沒有情感、沒有社區意識而產生都市冷漠現象。 透過上述的內容,本設計之目的期能提供一個新的生活概念,新的生活空間,讓都市人產生新的生活方式,改善都市冷漠及讓居民對所居住土地、社區產生情感;都市中農地稀少,傳統的農業耕作方式已無法有效率的執行,”垂直農場”成為相對更好的選擇,科技將原本水平化的農田轉化為垂直,除了有效地利用了立體空間也使其產量穩定,並可與都市建築有所結合,讓生產性景觀為都市提供新的綠色空間,而所收成的農作物,可提供給附近餐飲商家,減少產品運輸的成本及碳排量,居民自己所耕作的農作收成,可自行帶回享用,而在這個農作活動中,與鄰近的居民互動、交誼,除了享受農作物甜美的果實也可以與鄰居共同生活、享受生活,對自己所居住的城市、社區也更加有歸屬感,改善生態環境、提高生活品質,與生活在同一土地的人們、環境互動進而改善都市人們冷漠的現象。 本設計的設計方法透過文獻、案例分析與基地環境、人文歷史調查,了解到都市的發展影響人的生活型態,並考量都市族群的空間需求以及使用行為模式,將綠色空間與人活動空間結合並融入當地,依照此構想提出設計方案,並參考文獻提供替選方案,使此設計能改善議題所探討之問題,並提供設計構想可供後續研究者參考。


Due to economic and social impacts, the rapid development of global urbanization, urban land is full of land, and people have neglected the surrounding ecology and climate due to their own interests. The cities with low green coverage have severely affected the urban heat island effect. Quality of life of the residents. Advances in science and technology have also affected the relationship between people. Under the convenience of modern Internet, people use communication software to communicate, resulting in face-to-face communication and reduced contact opportunities. As a result, urban people do not like transparent life and are not good at People interact, express, and feel uncomfortable. There is no emotion or community awareness in the community in which they live, which results in urban apathy. Through the above content, the purpose period of this design can provide a new life concept, new living space, let urban people have a new way of life, improve urban apathy and let residents have emotions on the land and community they live in; urban agricultural land Scarce, traditional agricultural farming methods can no longer be implemented efficiently. "Vertical farms" have become relatively better choices. Science and technology have transformed the originally horizontal farmland into vertical, in addition to the effective use of three-dimensional space to stabilize its output, and Can be combined with urban architecture to allow productive landscapes to provide new green spaces for the city, and the harvested crops can be provided to nearby catering businesses, reducing the cost of product transportation and carbon emissions, and the agricultural crops cultivated by residents themselves You can bring it back and enjoy it yourself. In this farming activity, you can interact and socialize with neighboring residents. In addition to enjoying the sweet fruits of crops, you can also live and enjoy life with neighbors. You also have more ownership of the cities and communities you live in. Sense, improve the ecological environment and improve the quality of life. The design method of this design understands the development of the city and influences people's life style through literature, case analysis, and survey of the base environment and human history, and considers the space needs and behavior patterns of urban ethnic groups to combine green space with human activity space. And integrate into the local area, put forward a design plan according to this concept, and provide alternatives by referring to the literature, so that this design can improve the issues discussed in the topic, and provide design ideas for reference by subsequent researchers.


Vertical Farm Urban Apathy Green Space


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