  • 學位論文


Related Analysis of Car Accident Trauma Rescue Information and Car Accident Period

指導教授 : 曹世昌 李麗華




This study is based on the 2018 data of emergency trauma cases of car accident and trauma of the No.4 Disaster Relief Brigade, Taichung City Government Fire Bureau as the research sample and the use of the database to establish a car accident trauma rescue information system; by combining with Google Cloud Computing to provide emergency rescuers of the Taichung City Government Fire Bureau, you can use your mobile phone to query dispatch hours and accident types, administrative regions, allergy history, trauma treatment, dispatch time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma site, respiratory tract disposal, past medical history Drug disposal, other disposals, medical conditions, gender and other related information, including the number of car accidents, time to attendance on site, time to leave onsite, time to leave to hospital, time to hospital to hospital, all disposal time, etc. for detailed information analysis and summary statistics. Through research and establishment of a complete database of car accident trauma rescue information system, ambulance personnel can more easily know the characteristics of car accident trauma rescue time and accident category through this management system. And according to the characteristics of the accident category, it can increase the training of relevant aspects, enhance the personal rescue ability of emergency ambulance personnel, and the current emergency response capacity. It can also be used as an administrative reference for the Taichung City Government Fire Bureau to promote the overall emergency rescue efficiency of ambulance personnel.


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