  • 學位論文

幼兒園主題課程融入科學區活動對幼兒學習表現之影響 -以「物質在水中的溶解」為例

The Effect of Preschool Theme-Based Curriculum Integrated with The Science Area Activities on Children’s Learning Performance-“Dissolution in Water” as Example

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


摘要 本研究主要探討幼兒園主題課程融入科學區活動對幼兒學習表現之影響,以「水中的溶解」為教學主題。本研究採準實驗單組前後測設計,研究場域為研究者任教之幼兒園,研究對象為研究者任教班級的27名中大班混齡幼兒。將「幼兒園進行『在水中的溶解』教學活動-幼兒前後測工具」及「新課綱幼兒學習評量表」研究工具中所得資料,分別採用描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法,進行資料分析與處理,其主要研究結果如下: 一、幼兒在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測的總得分優於前測的總得分, 達到顯著差異。 二、在主題課程融入科學區活動前,不同性別及年齡之幼兒在「水中的 溶解」學習評量前測得分並沒有顯著差異。 三、在主題課程融入科學區活動後: (一)中班女生在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測得分優於中班男生,達顯著差異;大班男生在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測得分優於大班女生,達顯著差異。 (二)中班女生在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測得分優於大班女生,達顯著差異;大班男生在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測得分優於中班男生,達顯著差異。 四、幼兒在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測得分與其選擇科學區活動次數具 有中度相關性。 五、幼兒在「水中的溶解」學習評量後測得分與其在新課綱學習評量結果 具有高度相關性。 六、幼兒在身體動作與健康、認知、語文、社會、情緒、美感六大領域的 能力表現皆有所成長。   本研究根據研究結果發現與結論,對幼兒教育行政相關單位、幼兒園教師及未來研究者提出相關建議。 關鍵字:主題課程、科學區、水中的溶解


Abstract The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of preschool theme-based curriculum integrated with science area activities on children's learning performance, in a “dissolution in water” learning activity. The study field is the kindergarten where the researcher teaches, the participants of the study were 27 mixed age children of middle and senior levels. The learning effect is evaluated based on the performance in the quasi-experimental one-group pretest and posttest. The assessment instruments included “‘Dissolution in Water’ Teaching Activities - Pretest and Posttest Tool for Kindergarten Children”, and “New Curriculum Learning Assessment Scale for Children”. The results were analyzed by using various methods, including descriptive statistics, t tests and Pearson correlation coefficient. The major results are as followed: 1. For all children, the total score of the posttest was significantly better than the pretest. 2. Before the science area activities was integrated with the theme-based curriculum, there’s no significant difference for children with different genders and ages in the pretest. 3. After the science area activities was integrated with the theme-based curriculum: (1) In the middle class, girls were significantly better than boys in the posttest, while in the senior class, boys were significantly better than girls in the posttest on the learning evaluation of “dissolution in water”. (2) The girls in the middle class are observed to achieve better posttest results than the girls in the senior class, while the boys in the senior class had better posttest results than boys in the middle class on the learning evaluation of “dissolution in water”. Both achieved a significant level, respectively. 4. The scores of the posttest on the learning evaluation of “dissolution in water” and the frequency of activities that young children chose to do in the science area are moderately correlated. 5. There was highly correlated between young children’s posttest scores on the learning evaluation of “dissolution in water” and the results for the “New Curriculum Learning Assessment Scale for Children”. 6. All the children showed improvement in all the six areas of curriculum guidelines, including motion and health, cognition, language, society, emotion, and aesthetics.   According to the experimental outcomes and conclusions of the study, some suggestions were proposed to the preschool education authorities, the kindergarten teachers, and further researchers. Keywords:theme-based curriculum, science area, dissolution in water


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