  • 學位論文


Parental Attitudes Toward English Immersion Education in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 許筱彤


英語被視為是全球的通用語言,它在台灣的一些幼兒園以及小學、初中和高中正式地被當作第二語言或外語進行教學。然而父母的態度和積極參與會影響孩子對英語學習的成功與否。 本研究旨在探討父母對全美語教育的態度、父母對外籍教師的態度或期望,以及父母對孩子在家中英語學習的參與。此研究對象為中台灣地區393位學生家長以問卷調查分析,其中大多數為學齡前兒童的家長。蒐集之研究數據採用SPSS 22版本進行敘述性統計、卡方檢定,及one way ANOVA 單因子變異數等量化統計方法進行分析,以了解研究對象的家庭背景與父母對幼兒英語教育態度之間的關係。 本研究歸納結果為:(1) 從事各種職業的父母中有99.7%的人認為學習英語很重要;(2) 家庭收入相對較高的父母較有可能讓孩他們的孩子就讀全美語教育,以及某些需要英語技能的職業的父母也是如此;(3) 具有較高教育背景的父母往往對對外籍教師寄予更高的期望,並更多地參與幫助他們的孩子在家中學習英語。


Considered a global language, English is taught and learned in some preschools and, officially, in elementary, junior high, and high schools as a second or foreign language in Taiwan. However, parents’ attitudes and active roles toward learning English affect their children’s success. This study investigated parental attitudes toward early childhood English education, parental attitudes toward or expectations of native English teachers, and parental involvement with children’s English learning at home. Study participants were 393 parents, mostly of preschoolers, in Central Taiwan. Quantitative analyses of the study’s survey questionnaire were conducted through descriptive statistics, chi-square analysis, and ANOVA using SPSS 22 to probe the relationship between parental background and parental attitudes toward early childhood English education. Results were as follows: 99.7% of parents in various occupations believed learning English is important. Parents with relatively higher incomes were more likely to enroll their children in an English immersion program, as were parents in certain occupations requiring English skills. Parents with higher educational backgrounds tended to have higher expectations of native English teachers and had greater involvement in helping their children learn English at home.


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