  • 學位論文

科技大學非應用外語系學生修習實用英語的動機 及態度之探討

Motivation and Attitude of non-English Majors to Study Practical English at a Technical University

指導教授 : 蘇綉惠


隨著全球化,英語學習已成為專業成功最重要的因素之一。再者,學生的學用落差也在世界各國成重要的議題。在台灣,許多大學生無法找到一個合適的工作,因英語能力及專業無法達到雇主的要求。因此,許多大學提供各種實用課程以彌補學用落差的需求,例如:廣告行銷英文、文化創意設計英文、簡報英文及產業科技英文。本研究以朝陽科大學生為例,將探究大學生在修習實用英語課的動機及態度。 本研究改編Gardner態度及動機電池為主要依據並以問卷及訪談方式探究學生在修習實用英語課的動機與態度。資料收集來自實用英語課的4個班(共72個學生)。問卷將以敘述統計等方法量測。修習實用英語課程的四班學生受訪者中訪談8位學生,3位任課教師及語言中心主任。 此研究結果為學生修習此門課是因想增進他們的英文能力。在問卷方面,學生於表達修此門課是因整合型動機及工具型動機,於態度的認知型表達較為強烈。譬如在訪談中,學生表達修此門課是因工具型動機及學生的態度在行為型及認知型較為一致。 因此,本研究提供科技大學非應用外語系學生修習實用英語的動機及態度之探討


態度 動機 實用英語課


As a global trend, English language learning has become one of the most important factors for professional achievement. Moreover, the mismatch between students’ mismatched learning and industrial needs has become a big issue all over the world. In Taiwan, many college students can’t find suitable jobs because their English competency and professional technique can't meet the requirements of the industries. Thus, Chaoyang University of technology provide various Practical English courses such as English for Design, Cultural, and Creative Industries, English for Technology and Industry, English Presentation Skills, and English for Marketing and Advertising to bridge the gap of students’ learning and industrial needs. This research aims to investigate college students’ motivations and attitudes in learning practical English. This research adopts Gardner’s attitude/motivation battery as the main theory, and conducts a questionnaire and interview to explore students’ attitudes and motivations in learning Practical English. The data are collected from four Practical English classes (72 students). A questionnaire providing respondent data is analyzed with SPSS : Descriptive Statistics(mean), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In order to elicit further research data, face-to-face interviews are also conducted to collect teachers’ and students’ insights toward Practical English courses. The results of the questionnaire stated that students take the practical English course because they want to improve their English ability. Second, students’ motivations to take the practical English course are integrative and instrumental. Furthermore, the result of interview shows that most students took the practical English course have instrumental motivation. The attitude which is in cognitive orientation obtained the great number of student’s agreement among all.


Motivation Attitude Practical English.


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Applied English department at ChaoYang University of Tech (2019, Jan 18)
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