  • 學位論文


A Study of Battered Women whom Living Together with the Perpetrators in the Process of Marital Violence Adjustment from Resilience Perspective

指導教授 : 陳斐虹


中文摘要 本研究旨在了解尚與加害者共同居住之受虐婦女的婚姻暴力調適歷程,以及在這些歷程中,是什麼樣的想法、經驗或關鍵因素觸發受虐婦女面對與改變現況,並透過韌力的觀點,探討受虐婦女採取哪些調適方式來保護自己,而又韌力的展現後對受虐婦女生活層面的影響是如何。本研究以立意取樣中的效標抽樣為原則,邀請四位尚與加害者共同居住且主觀上自覺具有韌力的本國籍婦女,其年齡分布在30-55歲之間,受暴期為2-32年之間。 在研究結果的呈現上,研究者分別呈現每一位受虐婦女的「婚前階段」、「婚姻暴力期間」、「觸發改變」、「韌力的展現」四個部分做描述,並以本研究的研究目的為主要的資料統整分析內容,進行跨個案研究的比較,共可分為四大部分「婚姻暴力受虐婦女的婚姻暴力調適歷程」、「婚姻暴力受虐婦女在受暴歷程中觸發改變的因素」、「婚姻暴力受虐婦女對暴力的韌力展現」、「韌力展現後對婚姻暴力受虐婦女的生活影響」。 本研究發現: 1.四位婚姻暴力受虐婦女的婚姻暴力調適歷程略可分為:(1)婚姻暴力階段:先生施暴的起因多在於有外遇以及酒後施暴;(2)觸發改變與調適階段:皆為了孩子而啟動個人策略並嘗試接觸正式與非正式資源的協助,與資源互動交流後,產生新能力、新認知與新體會,有助於在婚姻暴力當中的調適。 2.觸發四位婚姻暴力受虐婦女從原本消極狀態轉變為積極面對與改變現況的主要因素為「孩子」、「意識覺醒」。 3.四位婚姻暴力受虐婦女的韌力啟動有:(1)內在保護因子:因應壓力的策略(願意嘗試新經驗、勇於面對現實、採取適度隔離、懷抱希望、控制衝動、心境轉換、重新框架、轉移生活重心)、思考判斷的能力、獨立活潑的個性、堅毅好強的個性、內控自主的性格、同理心、對生活具有目標、對生活具有控制感、捍衛家庭的責任感、抗拒與積極建設的能力;(2)外在保護因子:家人的支持(原生家庭父母、孩子、夫家親戚、娘家親戚)、非正式資源體系的支持(宗教信仰、朋友、上網、看正面書籍、道場老師、教友)、正式資源體系的支持(醫師、警察、社工、心理諮商師)。 4.韌力展現後對四位婚姻暴力受虐婦女的生活影響有:(1)生理方面:包括人身安全的提升、經濟壓力的舒緩;(2)心理方面:包括心靈的平靜、負向情緒程度降低、重新詮釋暴力的發生、自我意識覺醒;(3)行為方面:包括社會因應技巧的提升、生活更為主動積極;(4)社會適應方面:包括資源網絡的建立、夫妻與親子關係更為親密。 研究者依據前述研究結果加以討論,並提出對研究歷程與議題的反思與建議、對實務工作者的建議。 關鍵詞:與加害者共同居住、受虐婦女、婚姻暴力調適歷程、韌力觀點


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore lived experience of the battered women who lived with perpetrators. It was also to investigate what their process of marital violence adjustment was and what the key point changed their attitude and perspective. From the perspective of resilience, to investigate what adjustment that the battered women adopted to protect herself, and what the main influence of their live was after they show their resilience. This researches as purposive sampling in criterion sampling for principle, invited four women whom still living together with the perpetrators and the subjective conscious sense of resilience, their ages ranged from 30-55 years, the violence receiving periods are from 2 to 32 years. In this study, we explored each battered women’s 「the process of pre-marriage」、「the period of marriage violence」、「trigger changes」、「display of resilience」four parts make description, and analyze their interaction, divide into the four elements part「battered women''s process of marital violence adjustment」、「battered women in the battered change the course of the factors」、「battered women display of resilience to violence」、「after display of resilience to effect battered women’s lives」. The major conclusions from this study include: 1. Four battered women''s process of marital violence adjustment can be divided into:(1)stage of marital violence:Perpetrators causes violence is having extra-marital lover and drink;(2)the process of trigger changes and adjustment:all for child and try contact formal and informal source''s assistance. After interaction with the resources to generate new capabilities, new knowledge and new understanding will help in the marital violence among the response. 2. The main factors that make the four battered women change their mind from negative to positive are 「child」and「conscious awareness」. 3. The factors that make the four battered women start their resilience:(1)intrinsic protection:the strategies for pressure(willing to try the new experience, facing the reality, adopting adequate separation, having the hope, controlling impulse, changing their mind, rebuilding the framework, transferring the focus), the ability to think and make judgments, the personality of independent and outgoing, the personality of diligent, internal control self-personality, empathy, having the goal for life, the sense of controlling toward life, have responsibility for protecting family, the ability of resisting and rebuilding.(2)extrinsic protection:family support(parents of original family, children, her husband''s relatives, her family relatives), supporting informal resources system(religion, friend, Internet, look at the front of books, master, Christian), supporting formal resources system(doctor, police officer, social worker, Mental health counselors). 4. After display of resilience to effect four battered women’s lives:(1)perspective of physiology:including improving their self-security, relieving the pressure of economic.(2)perspective of psychology:including enhancing their tranquil spirit, decreasing the degree of negative emotion, retelling the process of violence, self-conscious awareness.(3)perspective of behavior:including improving the social problem-solving skill, having an active attitude toward life.(4)perspective of adapting the social:including setting up the resource internet, building the close relationship between husband and child. Finally, the results we discussed and suggestions were made for future research, counseling for practice. Key words:living together with the perpetrators, battered women, process of marital violence adjustment, resilience perspective.




