  • 學位論文


Optimization of Continuous Cutter Resharpening Parameters for Helix Shaper Cutters Based on Taguchi Method.

指導教授 : 許俊欽


本論文旨在探討螺旋刨齒刀磨銳之最佳參數的建立,螺旋刨齒刀磨銳 一般都是憑經驗操作,或是透過相似的螺旋刨齒刀擷取之前數據來進行交 叉測試,這些操作數據或經驗,受到製程變動便無法承受,造成操作上之 錯誤。以螺旋刨齒刀之磨銳,在製程中,其多樣性、不確定性之加工條件, 造成表面粗糙度的品質經常不穩定,而螺旋刨齒刀表面粗糙度品質的優 劣,將會影響加工工件品質,所以對於能快速建立最適化操作條件之需求 更是迫切。 本研究運用「田口方法」建立最佳化之操作參數,透過現場實際操作 之再現性,可獲取驗證之最適化操作參數。實驗中,藉由控制研磨轉速、 研磨進給、研磨的單次切量、研磨趟數等加工之數據,探討對表面粗糙度 之影響,並找出最佳參數組合。 由實驗結果顯示,粗磨及細磨之信號雜音比則確實有比原始條件提升 相當高,而在不考量刀具磨耗情況,兩者磨銳刀具成本差異相當明顯最佳 條件優於原始加工條件,磨銳成本每年可節省新台幣75,000 元整,由此可 證明最佳條件比原始加工參數條件更可以降低刀具磨銳成本。


In this paper we explore the optimum parameters for resharpening shaper cutters. Data for this kind of resharpening operations is empirical - mostly from experience or trial and error. This makes the effect of process changes such as surface roughness difficult to predict. This can lead to instability with regard to quality and uncertainty with regard to the process conditions. This means it is important to find a way to establish optimum conditions quickly. In this study we use the Taguchi Method to optimize the operating parameters. Experimental data from the resharpening procedures such as the control of the grinding speed, grinding feed and amount of material removed by individual grinding is collected and evaluated to show the impact of surface roughness and help to set the best parameters. Our experimental results from coarse and fine grinding operations show a marked improvement in S/N statistical results. If we compare with the existing situation, this leads to a saving of 75,000NT dollars over the course of the shaper cutter tool life.


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