  • 學位論文


A Study on Environment-friendly Bricks Manufacturing from Water Purification Sludges

指導教授 : 劉敏信


本研究基於廢棄物減量及資源化再利用之目的,主要以大湳、東興、鯉魚潭、明德、豐原等五座淨水廠之淨水污泥分別以 30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、100% 等不同的比例,與磚用黏土混合,並藉由紅磚製程實驗模組進行模擬,燒製環保磚材試體。除了探討各淨水廠磚材試體之特性外,並比較額外添加 10%、20% 助熔劑的廢玻璃粉,對於磚材試體的差異及影響。根據中國國家標準CNS382 之規範判定各座淨水廠磚材試體之等級及合格率,進而探討各座淨水廠淨水污泥較佳之黏土取代效益以及燒製環保磚材之可行性。試驗結果顯示,鯉魚潭、豐原淨水廠淨水污泥所燒結之磚材試體,根據中國國家標準 CNS382 之規範,合格率皆高達百分之百,而大湳淨水廠之磚材試體僅有 33% ,東興淨水廠亦僅佔 17 % 能符合標準,此兩淨水廠之磚材試體合格率皆相對偏低。顯示鯉魚潭及豐原淨水廠之淨水污泥具有廢棄物再生再利用之潛力,將有助於替代部分天然黏土資源燒製成環保磚材。另外,額外添加 20% 助熔劑 (廢玻璃粉),能符合CNS382 建築用磚最低規範之磚材試體則從未添加助熔劑的18 組增加至21組,整體合格率從 60 % 提升至 70 % 。顯示助熔劑的添加,將有助於降低吸水率,提高抗壓強度,對於磚材試體之燒結有正面的影響。


The purpose of the study is to explore and examine how waste can be reduced, reused, and recycled to reduce waste and protect the environment. By mixing sludges from water purification plants at Da Nan, Dong Shing, Carp Lake, Ming De Dam and Feng Yuan with 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% of clay raw material respectively, bricks with various percentage of sludges were made using simulation modeling of a brick kiln. The study examined the characteristics of bricks made of sludges from each water purification plant, and the effect of the addition of 10% and 20% of waste glass powder as a flux on these bricks. Grade and percentage passing were determined based on Chinese National Standards CNS382. The study also examined the economic feasibility and benefits of using the sludges to substitute clay raw material for brick manufacturing. Based on the findings of the study, the percentage passing of bricks made of sludges from water purification plants in Carp Lake and Feng Yuan based on Chinese National Standards CNS382 is 100%, while those from purification plants at Da Nan and Dong Shing are only 33% and 17% respectively. Water purification plants at Da Nan and Dong Shing showed a relative low percentage passing. The results indicate that sludges from water purification plants at Carp Lake and Feng Yuan have the potential to replace a certain amount of clay raw material and become part of a environment-friendly clay brick. The results also showed that the addition of 20% of waste glass powder as a flux helps increase the percentage passing based on CNS382 from 60% to 70%. The addition of flux has a positive impact on these bricks by decreasing water absorption and increasing compressive strength.


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