  • 學位論文


Phytoremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soils by Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)

指導教授 : 張簡水紋 王敏昭


植生復育 (phytoremediation)能有效處理土壤有機污染物,且對環境友善之處理方法。本研究以玻璃盆栽箱 (15×15×25 cm)種植黑麥草 (Ryegrass)或高羊茅 (Tall Fescue)於柴油污染之土壤,種類包括紅壤及沖積土,並以石英砂作為栽培基質之對照組,分為添加及未添加 5%堆肥之處理。以土壤表面劃分九宮格,分上中下層,於中心點添加柴油,使柴油 (TPH)濃度為 10000 mg kg-1,模擬貯油槽破裂之土壤污染場址之植生復育,進行四重複分析,使每一盆有 27種不同柴油濃度範圍進行觀察與分析。種植60天後未添加 5%堆肥地上部柴油濃度為 0.01-0.86 mg kg-1,地下部 0.01-0.96 mg kg-1,而添加5%堆肥後可提昇地上部柴油濃度至 0.04-0.88 mg kg-1,地下部 0.01-1.79 mg kg-1,而其生物濃縮因子 (Bioconcentration factor, BCF),未添加5%堆肥地上部為 0.00001-0.00026,地下部為 0.00001-0.0024,而添加5%堆肥後升高地上部 BCF值至 0.000024-0.00028,地下部降低至 0.00004-0.0006。菌根之生長黑麥草菌根較細而高羊茅較粗,生長狀況高羊茅優於黑麥草,酸性土壤會抑制菌根之生長,而添加堆肥有助於菌根之生長。未種植草種柴油污染土壤之自然降解 (natural degradation) 60天後柴油污染土壤能達到 5-20%之降解率。柴油污染土壤種植草種可達到 10-50%之降解率。柴油污染土壤添加土重 5%之堆肥再種植黑麥草或高羊茅,可提昇柴油污染土壤之柴油降解率,可達 30-80%。總菌落數隨著土壤柴油污染濃度增加而增加,未添加堆肥且未種植草種菌落數為 1×103-2×105 CFU g-1,未添加種植草種為 4×103-4.2×105 CFU g-1,添加並種植為 6×103-8.8×105 CFU g-1 。根圈土壤水溶性酚類香草酸 (vanillic acid)也是隨者土壤柴油污染濃度增加而增加,未添加堆肥且未種植草種之柴油污染土壤中水溶性酚類香草酸濃度為 0.06-0.6 μg vanillic acid g-1 dry soil,未添加堆肥但種植草種為 0.13-3.5 μg vanillic acid g-1 dry soil,添加堆肥並種植草種為 1.5-7.5 μg vanillic acid g-1 dry soil。由相關試驗發現種植高羊茅與黑麥草能夠提升柴油污染土壤之降解率,而高羊茅對柴油污染土壤有較高的耐受程度。沖積土之土壤環境較適合黑麥草與高羊茅之生長,而紅壤為強酸性土壤,植生質量紅壤較沖積土者低,石英砂作為對照組,生長狀況較差植體對柴油之累積量沖積土大於紅壤,紅壤大於石英砂。但是BCF中可看出降解率主要依靠根際降解,而非植物累積,因為土壤降解率越高,其BCF值相對降低,表示植體累積效率不及土壤降解效果。添加堆肥能夠提高植生質量與植體內之柴油濃度,同時增加根圈土壤之總菌落數與水溶性酚類香草酸之濃度,進而提高土壤柴油之降解率。


Phytoremediation is a method used to handle the organic pollutants effectively and friendly. This study simulated the ground storage tank breaking and diesel oil leaked in soil. It uses the red soil, alluvial and quartz (contrast) as contaminant soil amended with or without compost (5%) and place in glass case as the model (15×15×25 cm). The model soil divided in to nine components in horizon, and parted top, middle and bottom layer in depth. It was added the concentration of 10000 mg kg-1 (TPH) of diesel in the core of model. It was disperse in soil and cause 27 different concentrations of samples. The model used ryegrass and tall fescue as the plant of phytoremediation. After the model planted grass period of 60 days. In the soil without compost treatment, ryegrass and tall fescue plant diesel concentration involve the range of 0.01-0.86 in shoot, and 0.01-0.96 in root. Without compost treatment in soil, the range was 0.04-0.88 in shoot, and 0.01-1.79 in root. It cause the bioconcentration was 0.00001-0.00028 in shoot and 0.00001-0.0024 in root without compost treatment. With compost treatment was promoted to 0.00024-0.00028, but demoted to 0.00004-0.0006. Without compost treatment and unplanted of diesel contaminant soil degradation was 5-20%, the soil microbial population was 1×103-2×105 CFU g-1, and the root of soluble vanillic acid concentration was 0.06-0.6 μg vanillic acid g-1 dry soil. The endophyte in tall fascue was more stronger than ryegrass.Limit in acid and non-nutrient environment.It’s benefit toendophyte to grow efficiency with compost treatment.The nature degradation only between 5-20%.Without compost treatment but plant the grasses promoted to 10-50% of degradation, the soil microbial population was 4×103-4.2×105 CFU g-1 , and the root of soluble vanillic acid concentration was 0.13-0.35 μg vanillic acid g-1 dry soil. With compost treatment and plant promoted to 30-80%, the soil microbial population was 6×103-8.8×105 CFU g-1 , and the root of soluble vanillic acid concentration was 1.5-7.5 μg vanillic acid g-1 dry soil. The results indicate that plant ryegrass and tall fescue can degrade the diesel contaminant soil significant. Tall fescue is better than ryegrass of tolerance, and plant mass of tall fescue was higher. The phytoaccumulation was not significant than rhizosphere and caused bioconcentration factor was limit. With compost treatment can increase the diesel contaminant soil degradation, soil microbial population and the root of soluble vanillic acid concentration. The same result was happened in the group of soil type. It was the best of alluvial and red soil was better than quartz.


行政院環境保護署,土壤中陽離子交換容量-醋酸鈉法,NIEA S202.60A。
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