  • 學位論文


The Dong Feng Green Corridor and the Houfong Bikeway Cultural Souvenirs

指導教授 : 林登立


摘 要 東豐綠色走廊與后豐鐵馬道橫跨后里、豐原、石岡、以及東勢四鄉鎮且互相連接,這裡是中部地區頗富盛名的自行車專用道,遊客相當多,延途之據點有許多藝品店,可惜的是,幾乎沒有具地方景點內涵的紀念品,不過這亦是很好的商業機會,因而欲進行此景點之文化紀念品之設計,本論文即是這設計過程的報告。 騎乘自行車是除了增進身心健康,亦是體驗地方文化的絕佳方式,而記錄及標示一個人的騎乘經驗,以及表徵一個人對景點的喜好及情感,則有待地方景點文化紀念品這一媒介,而如何將地方文化元素融入文化紀念品,並使之能獲得到騎乘旅遊者的青睞,將是設計者的大考驗。 本研究設計首先探討旅遊紀念品的意義、調查及分析地方文化內容,接著採用文化意象的設計轉換方法,包括意象轉化法、六書及符號學方法,進行設計工作。在設計過程中,設計原型的尋找及開展是設計工作的核心,這是文化商品設計之成敗的關鍵,本研究設計的重大發現是,地方文化商品需表徵特殊的地方文化之外,還得兼顧歷史時空下的人類一般心靈及需求,本設計的原型是時來運轉,即是在這樣的考量之下開展。


Abstract The Dong Feng Green Corridor and the Houfong Bikeway span 4 townships - Houli, Fengyuan, Shigang, and Dongshi and both connect each other. They are two considerably renowned bikeways in central Taiwan and attract many cyclists. And a good number of craft art shops can be seen along the bikeway. However, there is a defect - there are almost no souvenir shops featuring local scenic spots. Therefore, this is also a good opportunity for designing related cultural souvenirs. This study attempts to describe the process of such design. In addition to improving health, cycling is also a gorgeous way to experience local culture. And souvenirs can be used to document and mark one’s cycling experience and manifest one’s favor and feel over a scenic spot. How to incorporate local culture elements into cultural souvenirs and make them attract cyclists will be a great challenge to designers. First of all, this study discussed the meaning of tourist souvenirs and investigated and analyzed local culture content. Then, it adopted a design transformation method for cultural image, including image transformation, the six categories of Chinese characters, and semiology for design. During the process of design, searching for and developing a design prototype is the core of design work, which is also key to the success of a cultural commodity design. A great find in this study is that, in addition to manifesting specific local culture, local cultural commodities also need to consider people’s minds and needs in terms of history and space. This design prototype - time is smiling - was developed under such consideration.


吳宗瓊、劉瓊如﹙2008﹚。旅遊紀念品購買行為的解析與探索-記憶在地特色 vs旅遊伴手禮。觀光研究學報14﹙2﹚,189-212。


