  • 學位論文


The Effect of Feedback on Students’ Performance in an English Speaking Class

指導教授 : 徐碧霙


在課堂中運用合作學習教學已經漸漸成為趨勢,對於學生的英文口語演說也有正向的幫助。Satio 在2003 年時提到在課堂回饋的研究中大部份都遍向於英語寫作方面,比較少的研究專注在英語口說方面。本研究在檢驗課堂回饋是否增進學生的英文口說能力以及探討學生對同儕回饋、師長回饋及線上學習平台上回饋的想法及看法。本研究參與者共計86 位中部大學應用外語系二年級學生,並有修習英文口語演說課程。以問卷調查及課堂回饋評分表作為研究工具,並以描述性統計及T 檢定作為研究方法。分析資料後結果發現經過課堂回饋活動後學生的英文口說表現有顯著的進步,除此之外,學生對課堂回饋的看法認為師長回饋是有幫助的,而同儕回饋是重要的。最後,藉由探討課堂回饋的影響及學生的看法來擴展師長對課堂回饋活動的認知與應用,期待未來能繼續探討相關的研究。


Cooperative learning in the classroom becomes a tendency nowadays. Feedback has a positive effectiveness on the oral performance in the EFL classroom. Saito(2003)stated that many studies focus on the feedback in writing, but only few studies investigated the feedback in oral performance. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of feedback on students’ oral performance and explore the effects of the feedback on college students’ perceptions toward peers, teacher,and on-line feedback. The participants were 86 sophomores, who enrolled in an English oral training course in a university of technology in Taiwan. The questionnaires of students’ perceptions toward peers, their teacher and online feedback, adapted from Chaung (2005), were employed in this study. Results showed that students had greatly advanced on the English presentation skills. In addition, teacher feedback was the most helpful. Consequently, the findings brought out that the teacher feedback and peers feedback facilitate students’ oral presentation skills.


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