  • 學位論文


Rebuilding for The Public Library of Gongguan Township ,Miaoli County

指導教授 : 郭章淵


苗栗公館鄉圖書館屋齡30年,是為公館鄉使用率極高的地方性圖書館,被鑑定出是棟危樓。實地走訪後發現公館鄉是一個可愛的小地方,除了自己身為客家人的親切感之外,圖書館在對於鄉鎮居民活動與感情維繫上做了很大的努力,從圖書館期刊"隘寮下"得知。   而鄉鎮圖書館的功能,除一般圖書館基本的查詢閱覽之功能外,更應設立社區之活動教室,以及強調的為鄰近兒童青少年設計的閱覽及休閒空間。   本設計耕耘書鄉主題為三,書、綠以及社區的編織為元素。書代表的是圖書館基本使用功能,與人在讀書空間所產生的互動,需要放進人為本,民眾對地方的情感。綠是表示周邊綠帶的延伸,圖書館空間設計中庭綠帶植栽牆面,使用客家特有植栽種類設計在中庭牆面,代表讀書時不忘先人的辛苦,客家人重視子孫的教養,期望子孫耕讀並重,效仿日出而耕日落而讀的精神。都市的紋理及綠帶的延續編織呈現圖書館設計空間的可能性,運用客家所重視之編織動作,塑造圖書館的設計精神,使用牆面綠化與實牆交替產生抽像與現實的美感,在主牆面的設計上也利用空間和光影交錯的虛實產生編織。   鄉鎮圖書館相對於公共圖書館其他分類注重在地方性質的服務,除了基本的圖書館功能之外,更應重視身為地方上人與人之間對於公共建築使用的需求,像是對建築對環境的認知感,認同性,向心力,使服務對象能從另一個角度,重新檢視身邊所習慣使用的公共空間,體驗建築與空間交互產生的不同面相,去達到鄉鎮民眾的凝聚力。


都市紋理 圖書館 編織


Miaoli County Gongguan Township Public Library was constructed 30 years ago, and has been a regional library of high use rate in Gongguan Township. However, it was assessed as a dangerous building. The on-site inspection found that Gongguan Township is an adorable and friendly small township, which is the residence of the Hakkanese. According to the library journal “Ai-liau-ē,” this library is the place where local residents can interact and communicate with one another. In addition to offering the basic functions of inquiry and reading, general libraries should also be equipped with community activity rooms, as well as reading and leisure spaces designed for children and teenagers in the neighboring community. This design theme of reading township is composed of three elements: books, green and community knit. Books represent the basic functions of library. To enable library users to interact with one another in a reading space, it is necessary to integrate people-oriented concept and community affections of residents into the design. Green represents the extension of surrounding greenbelt. The courtyard of library is designed with green walls where the unique Hakkanese plant species are planted, representing the continuity of ancestral culture, the Hakkanese expectation to their offspring and the spirit of diligence. The extension of urban texture and greenbelt reflects the possibility of spatial design in library. The use of Hakkanese knit reflects the design spirit of library, and the interweaving between green walls and real walls reflect the aesthetic feeling of abstraction and reality. In addition, the design of stagger between space and light on the main wall also reflects the sense of interweaving between abstraction and reality. As opposed to public libraries, regional libraries in townships attach importance to regional service. In addition to providing the basic library functions, they should also pay attention to local residents’ need for use of public buildings. For example, regional libraries should take notice of local residents’ perception, identity and solidarity for buildings and environment to enable them to re-examine the public spaces that they are used to using from another perspective, experience the different aspects of interaction between building and space and achieve the objective of uniting local residents in a township.


Library Urban texture Knit


(2)內政部營建署,1992,"苗栗縣綜合發展計劃",內政部營建署,苗栗縣政府,pp. I-2-1~I-2-13,pp. Ⅱ-4-1~Ⅱ-4-44,
