  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 梁文貴


隨著知識經濟時代來臨之際,企業需要的不只是傳統的生產因素,更重要的是擁有具備生產力的知識工作者才可面對這個快速變動的環境。若以知識為基礎的觀點來看,知識是公司競爭優勢的根本也是最重要和最主要公司價值的動因(Bock, Zmud, Kim, and Lee 2005)。因此,許多公司嘗試藉由在知識管理上的努力來確保在競爭中不被淘汰。Hendriks(1999)描述,知識分享已經被認為是知識管理中一項最主要的部份。在當組織面對新的問題時,而原本解決問題的方式以無法應付所需時,就會促使組織產生學習的動機(Szulanski,1996)。經由持續的組織學習,組織的成員也才能不斷提升知能與競爭力以利於組織的發展和永續經營。隨著企業重視組織學習和長期發展之際,若能重視社會資本的蓄積,成員間的相互的信任與了解更可為組織帶來更多的優勢(Fukuyama, 1995)。因此,本研究欲以實證研究方式,討論社會資本對知識分享與組織學習和組織學習與組織學習績效關係的影響。 本研究所探討的問題為下述四項:(1) 知識分享與組織學習的關聯為何;(2) 組織學習如何影響組織學習績效;(3) 社會資本對於知識分享與組織學習的關係是否有影響;(4) 社會資本對於組織學習與組織學習績效的影響為何;由研究問題提出十七項假設。本研究以文獻探討、問卷調查、次級資料蒐集、親自訪談四種方式進行。實證研究以天下雜誌2003年1000大製造業為研究對象,以結構方程式模型與階層迴歸進行分析;並以仁寶電腦公司為訪談對象,將訪談結果與研究分析結果相互呼應比較。 研究發現:(1)知識分享會正面影響組織學習;(2)組織學習會正向影響創新與新產品開發(組織學習績效);(3)社會資本對知識分享與組織學習之間的關係有部份影響;(4)社會資本會促進組織學習與組織學習績效之間的關係。研究結果顯示,知識分享的意願與能力都會影響組織學習。而組織學習對創新與新產品開發也有相當程度的影響。此外,社會資本對於知識分享與組織學習和織學習與組織學習績效之間的關係也有相當程度的影響。因此得知,公司在進行組織學習前應先具備知識分享的意願與能力,而要達到創新與新產品開發的結果需先建立組織學習的文化與能力,並且如能善於利用社會資本所來的效益更可促進知識管理相關活動的進行以強化競爭力。藉由本研究,期望能提供現今企業在進行知識享與組織學習的決策參考,並對未來相關議題的探討提供進一步的了解。


When entering the period of knowledge economy, organizations require not only traditional production factors but also productive knowledge workers to confront the rapidly changing environment. From knowledge-based view of the firm, knowledge is the foundation of corporation competitive advantage and the most important and key driver to the value of the company. Hence, many firms try to make an effort at pursuing knowledge management in order to survive the competition. It is well known that knowledge sharing has been identified as a major focus area for knowledge management. Facing new challenges will urge an organization to generate learning motivations for solving any new problems that may arise. On the other hand, when confronting a violent and competitive environment, companies have to recombine new knowledge absorbed with their original knowledge to begin organizational learning. Through continuous learning, not only will members in the organizations increase their knowledge and improve their capability but also organizations will build competence for future development and sustainable operation. Emphasizing on organizational learning and long-term development, storage of social capital by members will enable organization to gain more advantage. Therefore, this study employs empirical research to probe into the effect of social capital on the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning. Moreover, social capital moderates the relationship between organizational learning and organizational learning performance or not. This research includes four questions: (1) Does knowledge sharing have influence on organizational learning in a cross-functional team? (2) How organizational learning affects organizational learning performance (innovation and new product development)? (3) Does social capital affect the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning? (4) Dose social capitals influence the relationship between organizational learning and organizational learning performance? This study is carried out in literature review, questionnaire research, secondary data collection, and interviews. The samples of questionnaire research are manufacturing companies in Taiwan of CommonWealth Magzaine 1000 manufacturing enterprises in year 2003. We also interviews with Compal Electronics, Inc. to respond to research outcomes. There are four important findings in this research: (1) knowledge sharing positively affects organizational learning. (2) Organizational learning has a positive effect on innovation and new product development. (3) Social capital partially influences the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning. (4) Social capital positively impacts on the relationship between organizational learning and organizational learning performance. Both knowledge sharing willingness and sharing capability have an impact on organizational learning. Organizational learning also influences innovation and new product development. Besides, internal social capital influences the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning. On the other hand, external social capital influences the relationship between organizational learning and organizational learning performance. Hence, companies must have knowledge sharing willingness and capability before carrying out organizational learning. In order to attain innovation and new product development, companies have to build up on organizational learning culture and abilities. If firms can use advantages from social capital, they can improve knowledge management activities to enhance their competence. This is because social capital enables knowledge workers to acquire resources more easily and quickly for carrying out their tasks. It is hoped that this study would provide a beginning point and understanding of the current situation for further researches on related topics.


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