  • 學位論文


3D space rendering building process-using interior design as an example

指導教授 : 林季雄


在現今的數位技術及電腦軟硬體成熟度的提高,造就了無數廣大的使用者,無論在多媒體、廣告、產品設計、動畫等方面都有很好的表現。因此在競爭激烈的室內設計圈中也越來越多的使用者追求真實度的表現,透過新的算圖引擎打造出逼近真實的效果,來滿足業主對空間真實呈現的需求與短時間內充分的進行提案討論,雖然軟硬體的成熟帶來許多方便,但軟體每年的更新程度往往有讓人忘塵莫及的感覺,在學習上也具有困難與複雜度,因此擅用3D繪圖軟體完成空間渲染圖並非一朝一夕可以完成的。 本研究透過問卷調查法,探討繪製空間渲染圖人員對空間渲染圖的問題與需求,大部分的人都認同空間渲染圖逼真度的呈現是最重要的其次才是建構空間模型與渲染所花費時間。在「空間渲染圖繪製行為」調查中,表示認同每個3D繪圖軟體有其擅長處理之環節,如能將不同軟體交付其擅長領域來進行繪製,使用上也較為便利,在繪製時更具成效。並利用電腦實驗法以實際上機操作的方式以室內設計常用軟體3D Studio MAX 、Rhinoceros、Sketch Up做為研究的基礎,在電腦操作實驗上安排七項任務,任務分別為(1)平面圖導入、(2)建構空間主體、(3)家具繪製與擺設、(4)材質貼附、(5)燈光配置、(6)渲染參數設定與攝影機設置、(7)渲染之七個階段來實施,研究者前測實驗由研究者以三種軟體進行繪製並記錄各階段完成時間與渲染圖成果,接著由問卷調查方式將所得到空間渲染圖成果進行分析與比較,最後導出最具成效的空間渲染圖建構流程。之後藉由研究者前測實驗所得渲染圖建構流程再進行受測者上機實驗,並由李克特五分量表來分析比較兩次實驗所得時間與成果,以驗證研究者前測實驗所得結果是否正確。 實驗成果再經由問卷調查,分析結果所獲得之結論如下:1.在第1程序(平面圖導入)與第2程序(建構空間主體結構)使用SKETCHUP來繪製,第3程序(家具繪製與擺設)使用RHINO來繪製,第4程序(材質貼附)、第五程序(燈光配置)、第六程序(參數設定)、第七程序(渲染)利用3DS MAX來繪製,才能提昇繪圖成效。2.在三個軟體在空間渲染圖逼真度中,「Sketch Up」分數是普遍較低的,顯示不適合單獨使用Sketch Up來繪製空間渲染圖,因此在三套軟體中,Sketch Up的軟體發展還有很大的改進空間,例如增加軟體的繪圖功能與增加模型三角網格的附載度等,但是Sketch Up在第1程序(平面圖導入)與第2程序(建構空間主體結構)都得到很好的評價與效率。


Nowadays, the maturity of digital technique and hard/software have enhanced and well preformed at multi-media, advertisement, product design, and animation with a great amount of users. In the interior design field, there is more and more designer use new rendering engine to make lifelike effect in order to satisfy owners’ need on presenting real interior space and prepare proposal quickly for discussion. Although the maturity of hard and software make it much more convenient, the frequent renew increases the difficulty of learning so that it takes lots of times for user to be expert in interior rendering. This research use Questionnaire survey to discover the problems and needs of 3D rendering software users. Most people agree that the realistic degree of interior renders is the most important thing, and the time modeling and rendering would take is secondary. In the survey of interior render operation, subjects approve that different 3D rendering software have their adept part of rendering. If user can employ different kinds of software to do the part it expert in respectively, it would be more convenience and effective. The study used computer experiment, which means that research would manipulate interior design software like 3D Studio MAX, Rhinoceros, and Sketch Up to conduct seven missions as follow: (1)2D ground plan importing, (2)spatial model building, (3)furniture building and setting, (4) bump mapping, (5) light setting, (6) render parameter and camera setting, and (7) rendering. The pre-test was that researcher use three kinds of software to make interior renders and record the used times and results of each stage. The rendering results were analyzed and compared in order to gain the most effective interior render process. Subjects were asked to test this process by operating a computer, and the study would use Likert-type five-point scale to analyze and compare the data from two times experiments for examining validity of pre-test results. The conclusions from experiment results are shown as below: 1. Only when user use Sketch Up to process the first and second procedures( 2D ground plan importing and spatial model building), Rhino to process third procedure(furniture building and setting), and 3DS MAX to process forth to seventh procedures( bump mapping, light setting, render parameter & camera setting, and rendering), the efficiency of rendering can be enhanced. 2. Among realistic degrees of interior renders by the three kinds of software, Sketch Up generally gained low scores, which means that it is unsuitable to make interior render only by Sketch Up. That is, Sketch Up has much more need of improvement than the other two kinds of software, such as reinforce the rendering performance and model Delaunay load. However, Sketch Up was considered to be good at first and second procedures (2D ground plan importing and spatial model building).


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