  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 黃然 翁在龍


時代快速變化,銀行業經營環境也是隨之巨變。1991年初開放新銀行設立,信用合作社改置為商業銀行;2002年我國加入WTO,金融市場的版圖就不斷的擴大,同時所謂的金控公司也陸續成立,緊接著外資銀行也大舉進入台灣金融市場,使得市場呈現飽和狀態,同時也進入高度競爭的環境。銀行業處於空前競爭的環境,在如此多的競爭對手情況下,各個銀行業者應以何種方式為首要經營策略,以更能開發並吸收新客戶,同時又能維持既有客戶,並達到 MGM(Member Get Member)的事半功倍效果。 本研究主要是以銀行業做為研究的對象,藉由專家訪談及文獻探討方式,歸類出銀行業之「企業品牌形象」、「整體服務品質」、以及「利率費用」三項構面,並且以消費者的角度,利用層級分析法來探討顧客對於選擇配合銀行時的關鍵因素,以及之間的關聯性和其權重比較。在本研究中,也針對三項構面,挑選出具代表性的三家國內銀行業者作為研究對象。分別為:企業品牌形象良好的銀行業老品牌「A銀行」;榮登遠見雜誌 2011年遠見服務業大調查中金融銀行業類別的「B銀行」;利率和手續費價格最為優惠的「C銀行」。 依據此研究之結果,建議銀行業者,加強員工教育訓練、從顧客的立場為出發點替顧客著想、確保交易安全與保密、以及信守對顧客的承諾;同時,多參與或舉辦慈善活動、配合文化事業舉辦文藝活動、及針對銀行本身設立代表其形象的口號或朗朗上口的標語,經年累月的堆積出企業的良好品牌形象,實為較有效且長遠的企業營運策略,而非一味的打價格戰。反倒更能吸引顧客,增加顧客滿意度,同時提高顧客對銀行之忠誠度及吸引潛在客戶,提高銀行收益。


In the last two decades, the banking environment in Taiwan changes greatly. It begins from the opening new banks applications in early 1991, the credit cooperatives set up to the Commercial Banks, then the accession to the WTO in 2002. Taiwan Government was continuing opening up local financial markets to a global scenario, they had set up legislations for financial holding companies, and international banks therefore had a large-scale investment to Taiwan financial market, making this market saturated and also a highly competitive environment. In an unprecedented competitive environment now in Taiwan, how to maintain long-term advantages in attracting new customers as well as having a stable long-term relationship with old customer through MGM (Member Get Member) could be a vital issue. This study mainly focus on the banking industry, through questionnaire survey, expert interviews and literature review, The advantages of competitions of the banking industry are defined as in three dimensions: "Brand", "Service", and "Interest Rate and Fee". Through consumer's point of view, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used to explore the key factor of customer choosing a bank. The results of this study suggest the banking industry to enhance staff education and training, serve their customers, ensure transaction security and confidentiality and keep commitment to customers, meanwhile, participate and fund more charity and cultural activities, and establish good image of bank. It turns out that the years of accumulation of good corporate brand image, and implement more effective and long-term business operations strategy rather than price competition, gains more attractions to customers, as well as increase customer satisfaction, which improving the customers loyalty to the bank and attract potential customers.


banking service quality AHP


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