  • 學位論文


Sitting and Crouching Over the Public Toilet Seat and Its Effect on Micturition

指導教授 : 陳淑月 陳淑真


本研究旨在了解健康婦女使用公共廁所坐式馬桶時,以坐姿和非坐姿(半蹲、懸空蹲踞)排尿對尿流速及殘餘尿量之影響。以方便取樣法選取符合收案條件之參與者45位。每位參與者分別以坐姿、半蹲姿、懸空蹲踞姿在坐式馬桶上排尿,使用尿流速檢測儀(MMS Flowmarst)檢測排尿延遲時間、最大尿流速到達時間、最大尿流速、排尿量、總排尿時間、校正之最大尿流速;再以攜帶型膀胱超音波機(BIV6400)測量殘餘尿量。參與者平均年齡23.2±4.6歲,教育程度皆為大學以上,沒有生產經驗之婦女。排尿機能指標中,最大尿流速(Qmax)、校正之最大尿流速(cQmax)、排尿量、總排尿時間、殘餘尿量等,不因排尿姿勢不同而不同。在「延遲排尿時間」方面,坐姿顯著快於半蹲姿和懸空蹲踞姿;在「最大尿流速到達時間」方面,坐姿顯著快於懸空蹲踞姿,而且,在坐姿排尿時呈現正常尿流速圖形(鐘型)佔最多,非坐姿勢(半蹲姿、懸空蹲踞姿)排尿之尿流速圖形則以間歇性尿流速圖居多。此發現不啻是坐姿比非坐姿更易達到排尿開始及最大尿流速的證據。建議婦女在使用公共廁所坐式馬桶時,應以坐姿為優先考慮使用的排尿姿勢。


In this study, we investigated the effect of sitting position and the non-sitting positions (partly squatting, crouching over) in uroflowmetric parameters and post voiding residual urine (PVR). Forty-five normal healthy women were recruited, with a mean age of 23.2±4.6 years (range 18-34 years). Each woman was measured with uroflowmetry and PVR in the sitting, partly squatting, and crouching over the sitting-type public toilets. A weight transducer urodynamic device (Medical Measurement Systems MMS Flowmarst) was used for uroflowmetric measures, such as delay time, time to peak flow, the maximum flow rate (Qmax)). PVR were measured using transabdominal ultrasound (BIV6400) after each voiding position. There were no difference was found in the maximum flow rate (Qmax), corrected maximum flow rate (cQmax), voiding volume (VV), voiding time (VT) and post voiding residual urine (PVR) among three positions. However, ”Delay time” was statistically significantly shorter in sitting compared to in partly squatting and in crouching over positions. ”Time to peak flow” was statistically significantly shorter in sitting compared to in crouching over position. In addition, most women had bell-shaped uroflowmetry curves in sitting position. On the other hand, there were mostly presented non bell-shaped uroflowmetry curves in partly squatting and crouching over positions. Compared to non-sitting positions, sitting position to void does have shorter “ delay time” and “time to peak flow”.


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