  • 學位論文


The Motivation and Subjective Well-being of Golf Enthusiasts with Different Skill Levels

指導教授 : 龔建吉


摘要 背景: 高爾夫運動是目前臺灣許多人在工作之餘選擇的休閒項目之一,現代人因工作時間長、生活需求高、步調快速緊張不斷與時間競爭,精神、體力長期被壓榨,容易讓人陷入生理及心理不健康的狀態,適度的調劑對人們的身心健康極其必要。因此,藉由幸福感的衡量來瞭解個人對於生理、心理及社會狀況交互影響下所產生快樂感是當今相當重要之指標,有鑑於此,本研究期望藉由瞭解高爾夫運動球友之不同差點值對於球友參與動機及其主觀幸福感之影響,來提出改善策略以提升高爾夫運動球友之參與動機及幸福感。 目的: (一)探討不同背景變項高爾夫球運動愛好者參與動機。 (二)探討不同背景變項高爾夫球運動愛好者主觀幸福感。 (三)探討不同背景變項高爾夫球運動愛好者參與動機與主觀幸福感之關聯性。 方法: 本研究採問卷調查法,問卷內容則參考賴子敬(2003)台中市高爾夫參與者參與動機和參與行為之研究及陸洛(1996)中國人幸福感量表簡短篇進行修改,修編後之問卷經專家內容適合度分析,篩選適合題項,完成正式量表。於樣本部份採便利取樣方式針對大台中地區五家高爾夫球練習場之球友進行調查,共發出問券350份,回收318份,回收率91%。 結果: 本研究以SPSS19.0進行資料統計分析,量表之cronbach α=0.948 表問卷內部一致性佳,另針對研究目的所需探討之變數進行描述性、變異數及關聯分析,結果發現:一、參與動機:透過單因子變異數分析發現不同差點之高爾夫球球友在參與動機上有顯著性差異(F=5.422,p=0.001),運用順序關聯分析發現參與動機與球友差點具反向關聯性(r=-0.153,p=0.036)。換言之,參與動機越高則球友差點值越接近標準桿。二、主觀幸福感: 透過單因子變異數分析發現不同差點之高爾夫球球友在主觀幸福感上有顯著性差異(F=6.008,p=0.001)運用順序關聯分析發現參與動機與球友差點具反向關聯性(r=-0.160,p=0.001) 。換言之,球友差點值越低則其主觀幸福感越高。三、參與動機與主觀幸福感之關聯: 運用順序關聯分析發現參與動機與球友差點具正向關聯性(r=0.635,p=0.000)。其結果顯示出球友的參與動機越高則主觀幸福感也越高,呈現出高度關聯性。 關鍵字: 高爾夫運動愛好者、參與動機、主觀幸福感、不同技術水準(差點)。


Abstract Background: Golf is one of the leisure activities that many people in Taiwan would select in their spare time. The long working hours, high living demand, and fast-paced tension, along with time pressure, have long been torturing modern people mentally and physically and squeezing people to fall into physical and mental unhealthy state. It’s extremely necessary to provide physical and mental relaxation. Therefore, by the evaluation of happiness, we are able to know the personal happiness generated from the interaction of physical, psychological and social conditions, which is also a very important indicator among recent studies. In view of this, the purpose of my study expects to understand how different handicap values affect golfers with their participatory motivation and subjective well-being and to improve strategies to enhance participatory motivation and happiness of the golfers. Purpose: (A) To explore the participatory motivation of the golf enthusiasts with different background variables. (B) To explore the subjective well-being of the golf enthusiasts with different background variables. (C) To explore the correlation between the participatory motivation and the subjective well-being of the golf enthusiasts with different background variables. Methods: This study used a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire content refers to Tzu-Ching Lai (2003), The Participators’Motives and Behaviors of Playing Golfamong Taichung Citizens, and Lu Luo (1996) short articles of well-being scale of the Chinese people. The modified and revised questionnaire was analyzed with the expert content suitableness and the screening for items to complete the formal scale. As for the sampling, the Convenience sampling method was adopted to sample part of the investigation, and issued a total of five golf driving range for the Greater Taichung area golfers. 350 questionnaires were given out, 318 recovered, so the recovery rate is 91%. Results: The study conducted in SPSS19.0 statistical analysis and the Scale cronbach α = 0.948 indicates the questionnaire internal consistency. Meanwhile, the descriptive, variable and correlational analyses based on the study objective show the following results: Firstly, the participatory motivation: one-way ANOVA analysis showed that golfers with different handicap values have a significant difference in the motivation to participate in (F = 5.422, p = 0.001) and the use of sequence correlation analysis found the participatory motivation and handicap values have a reverse correlation (r = -0.153, p = 0.036). In other words, the higher the participatory motivation the golfers have, the handicap value is closer to par. Secondly, subjective well-being: through one-way ANOVA analysis, we know that golfers of different handicap values have a significant difference in subjective well-being (F = 6.008, p = 0.001), and the use of sequence correlation analysis found the participatory motivation and handicap values have a reverse correlation (r =-0.160, p = 0.001). In other words, the lower the handicap value is ,the higher the subjective well-being will be. Thirdly, the correlation between the participatory motivation and subjective well- being: the use of sequence correlation analysis found the participatory motivation and handicap values have a positive correlation. (r = 0.635, p = 0.000). The result shows that the higher the participatory motivation the golfers have,the higher the subjective well-being will be, so they are highly correlated. Keywords: Golf Enthusiasts, Participatory Motivation,Subject Well-Being,Handicap


