  • 學位論文


To Learning Content Pipeline Analysis in Clinic Physicians.

指導教授 : 李瑞敏


隨著網路寬頻的普及,醫師們透過網路進行知識分享頻率增加。本研究首先以訪談、分析醫師的部落格,歸納醫師分享議題為何?其次,根據質性研究結果,選擇診所醫師以問卷進行相關驗證。 本研究採取質性與量性兩種研究方式。質性資料蒐集以訪談與文件分析為主。包括對三位醫師進行訪談與虛擬社群的文章進行分析。資料分析以開放性編碼,歸類後萃取出類別後,再進行內容分析歸類;量化研究乃採質性研究所歸納出的內容設計題項,使用結構化問卷,以郵寄與實地發放兩種方法,樣本共計100位診所醫師。 透過質性與量化的研究結果發現:第一,合作學習主要以醫療知識為主要內容;第二,知識分享主要以學會、協會、研討會為主;第三,醫療資訊主要以性別、診所醫師人數與診所醫師的身分較為顯著差異。本研究對此提出相關的研究建議:第一,對於診所醫師首重的為醫療知識,但在經營管理方面能有加強的空間,對此提供各地區診所協會參考,未來在業務上可提供會員經營管理知識,將能符合會員需求;第二,建議衛生主管機關可建構屬於醫師的資訊溝通平台,未來散佈醫療資訊可透過於此,讓醫師與主管機關能夠聊解彼此的需求;第三,透過醫療資訊的分享有效提升病患對於診所醫師醫療知識上的信任度,並其提高對診所的觀感;第四,透過醫療資訊的分享,能增加對診所同仁的醫療知識涵養,並其提高診所的醫療知識素質。


With the popularity of broadband internet, more and more doctors are exchanging their knowledge sharing via the internet. Firstly, this study used interviews and analyzed the blogs of doctors to summarize the issues they shared with other people. Second, this study selected clinic doctors to conduct a questionnaire survey for verification based on the qualitative research results. This study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative data collection was performed via interviews and documents analyses, including the analyses on the interviews with three doctors and articles in virtual communities. Open coding was used to perform data analysis. After the categories were extracted, content analysis was used to perform analysis. The items summarized from qualitative research were used to design the structured questionnaire of qualitative research. The questionnaires were distributed by mail and on-site. A total of 100 clinic doctors were selected as subjects. The qualitative and quantitative research results showed that: 1) cooperative learning to medical knowledge as the main content; 2) knowledge sharing societies, associations, seminars; 3) medical information to the identity of gender, the number of clinic physicians and clinic physicians more significant difference. This study proposed relevant suggestions: 1) although clinic doctors attach the highest importance to medical knowledge, their operational management shall be strengthened; clinic associations at various areas are advised to provide their members with the knowledge concerning operational management in the future to meet their needs; 2) the competent health authority is advised to establish an information communication platform in the future for doctors to enable doctors and the competent authority to understand mutual needs through the platform where medical information is provided; 3) the sharing of medical information can significantly improve patients’ trust in medical knowledge of clinic doctors and the attitude towards clinics; 4) the sharing of medical information can increase clinic colleagues’ medical knowledge and improve the medical knowledge quality of clinics.


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