  • 學位論文


Visualizing the artery of Adamkiewicz using MDCT: Detection rate vs. Tube current

指導教授 : 林松水


摘要 Adamkiewicz動脈(artery of Adamkiewicz ;AKA)是供應下胸椎、腰椎區域脊髓血液的重要血管,因為Adamkiewicz動脈進入脊椎腔的位置不定,提升電腦斷層血管攝影對於Adamkiewicz動脈的偵測率,有助於胸腹主動脈剝離患者開刀治療時,可減少脊髓損傷之後遺症。本研究從2007年1月至2009年1月收集250 mAs及350 mAs不同管電流皆有掃描的受檢者29位,進行影像品質分析,結果顯示:管電流的改變造成cord SNR (p <0.001)與aorta SNR (p <0.003)都有顯著差異,管電流350 mAs掃描之29位受檢者其AKA的偵測率是48% (14/29),前脊椎動脈(anterior spine artery; ASA)的偵測率是79% (23/29),管電流250 mAs掃描之29位受檢者其AKA的偵測率是28%(8/29),ASA的偵測率是59% (17/29),使用管電流350 mAs掃描之AKA與ASA的偵測率皆高於250 mAs(p <0.01),適當的調整管電流、降低雜訊皆可獲得比較好的SNR,有助於提高AKA與ASA的偵測率。


ABSTRACT The artery of Adamkiewicz (AKA) is an important vessel supplying the spinal cord at thoracolumbar levels. Correctly identifying the location of AKA can prevent from neurological complications during endovascular or surgical intervention. From January 2007 to January 2009, we enrolled 29 patients undergoing CT aortography for two times, one with standard 350-mAs protocol and one with 250-mAs reduced dose protocol. The detection rates of AKA and ASA, and SNR are compared. The result shows that increasing the tube current would significantly increase the cord SNR and aorta SNR. In the 350-mAs group, the detection rate of AKA is 48% (14/29); ASA, 79% (23/29). In the 250-mAs group, the detection rate of AKA is 28% (8/29); ASA, 59% (17/29). The detection rates of AKA and ASA in 350-mAs group are significantly higher than that of 250-mAs group (p <0.01). In conclusion, higher tube current could reduce the image noise and increase SNR, which result in higher detection rate of AKA.


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