  • 學位論文


Study on Investigating the Sensory Quality of Taiwan Marketed Tea Drinks by Electronic Tongue

指導教授 : 區少梅


本研究收集台灣市面上不同品牌之瓶裝綠茶、烏龍茶與紅茶飲料共計16 件作為試驗材料,進行物化分析、感官品評的定量描述分析與消費者試驗,及電子舌之感測,利用多變量分析以探討不同品牌的市售茶飲料在物化及感官品質上的差異、以大學生為對象進行的茶飲料消費行為與消費者試驗以及利用電子舌檢測市售茶飲料之感官品質的可行性。經物化分析結果,標榜「濃茶」添加了多量的茶多酚之綠茶飲料G1與烏龍茶飲料O1之總兒茶素、總多元酚以及兒茶素類 (GC, EGC,C, EC, EGCG, GCG, 及ECG) 均顯著高於其他品牌之茶樣,藉此可確認此品牌宣稱之真實性。總兒茶素、總多元酚、總游離胺基酸、個別兒茶素及咖啡因含量方面,皆以無糖綠茶飲料之含量為最高。紅茶飲料最偏酸且顏色最暗沈,且總兒茶素、總多元酚、個別兒茶素及咖啡因含量最低。有糖與無糖相較之下,有糖飲料茶之總多元酚以及個別兒茶素含量顯著低於無糖飲料茶。 感官品評的結果,市售標榜的濃茶飲料之綠茶飲料G1 與烏龍茶飲料O1 的苦味、澀味及酸味皆顯著最高。而綠茶飲料G2 與其他茶飲料有明顯不同,各項感官描述語均偏弱,其餘茶樣間則無顯著差異。烏龍茶飲料O3 水色最紅,O4 之回甘感、生津感及回香感最強。消費者試驗之問卷調查中大學生最常購買飲料種類為茶飲料,其主要因素在於購買方便,而綠茶為最常購買的茶飲料。消費者喜好性試驗中綠茶茶飲料G2 及烏龍茶茶飲料O2 在外觀、苦味、澀味是最被消費者所喜愛的,而整體喜好分數最高則為含糖綠茶茶飲料G6。VII其中標榜濃茶之茶飲料在外觀、苦味、澀味之喜好分數只高過紅茶茶飲料B1,可能原因在於濃茶之多元酚的含量高,使得濃茶茶飲料的滋味較一般茶飲料澀和苦,所以大學生對濃茶茶飲料的喜好性不高。電子舌感測分析之主成份分析結果得知,無糖的綠茶飲料以及烏龍茶飲料可被區分開來。其中綠茶飲料之不同品牌亦可區分,但不同品牌之烏龍茶飲料較無法分開;而有糖的烏龍茶飲料則與紅茶飲料無法區分。整體而言,電子舌可以將有糖、無糖與不同品牌的茶飲料明顯地作區分。 由電子舌結合定量描述分析數據進行PLS2 分析結果,得知CA、ZZ、BB 感測器與酸味、收斂感與澀味呈現負相關,由此得知CA、ZZ、BB 感測器對茶飲料之酸味、收斂感與澀味於有反應;而大學生的消費者試驗,其外觀、苦味、澀味、整體喜好的評分高低與GA 感測器有相關,此表示GA 感測器與大學生對茶飲料的喜好程度有感應,但因解釋茶樣變異能力僅達35%,在利用電子舌辨別消費者的喜好程度上應有加強改進的空間。


Total 16 kinds of bottled tea drinks including green tea, oolong tea and black tea drinks with different brands were collected from Taiwan markets. Their physicochemical analyses, sensory evaluation including quantitative descriptive analysis and consumer test, and electronic tongue examination were carried out. The purposes of this study were to investigate the difference in physicochemical and sensory qualities of these bottled tea drinks, the degree of liking of these bottled tea drinks by university students using questionnaire survey and consumer test and the feasibility of using electronic tongue as a tool to evaluate the sensory quality of these bottled tea drinks by using all the data with multi-variance analysis. From the physicochemical analysis results, the total catechins (TC), total polyphenols (TPP) and individual catechins (GC, EGC, C, EC, EGCG, GCG and ECG) in green tea drink G1 and oolong tea drink O1 which are labeled high contents of polyphenols were higher than those in other tea drinks. The results prove that the claim of this labeled high polyphenol contents by the brand is correct. In terms of TC, TPP, TAA (total amino acids), individual catechins and caffeine contents, the non-sugar green tea drinks were the highest while the black tea drinks were the lowest with low pH and dark color. By comparison, the contents of TPP and individual catechins of sugar-added tea drinks were lower than those of non-sugar tea drinks. From sensory evaluation results, the bitter, astringent and sour tastes of the two high-content-polyphenols labeled tea drinks, G1 and O1 were significantly higher than those of other brand tea drinks. The sensory quality of non-sugar green tea drink G2 was significantly different from that of others. Its sensory scores for most attributes were all quite low. Other brand green tea drinks did not differ much in their sensory quality. Among oolong tea drink samples, the color of O3 was most reddish while the sweet aroma and aftertastes of sweet, salivated and aroma of oolong tea drink O4 were the most strong. From the questionnaire survey data, tea drinks were the one university students most often to buy among all kinds of drinks because of the convenience for buying. And green tea drink was the most often to buy. The consumer tests using university students indicated that the appearance, bitterness and astringency of non-sugar green tea drink G2 and oolong tea drink O2 were most liked by the consumer-type university students. However, the sugar-added green tea drink G6 had the highest score on overall liking. The degree of liking on appearance, bitterness and astringency of high-polyphenols labeled tea drinks G1 and O1 was only higher slightly than that of sugar-added black tea drink sample. The possible reason may be due to the high content of polyphenols which resulted in high astringent and bitter. From the results of principal component analysis for the electronic tongue data, non-sugar green tea drinks and oolong tea drinks could be well separated each other. The non-sugar green tea drinks with different brands were also well separated, while the non-sugar oolong tea drinks with different brands could be separated successfully. The sugar-added oolong tea drink was also not able to be separated from the sugar-added black tea drinks. In general, electronic tongue could well separate all samples including non-sugar, sugar-added and different brand tea drinks mostly. The PLS2 results of electronic tongue and sensory descriptive analysis data indicated the sensors, CA, ZZ and BB were negatively correlated with the sourness, astringent aftertaste and astringency. It means that these two sensors could respond to the sourness, astringent aftertaste and astringency of tea drinks. On the other hand, from the results of the consumer test by university students, the hedonic scores of appearance, bitterness, astringency and overall liking were correlated to the sensor GA. Due to the ability of explanting the variation among the tea drink samples only reached 35%, therefore, it is a need to further study on the improvement of applying electronic tongue to examine the degree of liking by consumers on tea drinks.


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