  • 學位論文


Effect of Interactive Somatosensory Game on Fuctional Fitness of Older Adults Dwelling in Community

指導教授 : 劉紋妙


研究背景:台灣正面臨人口快速老化的嚴峻考驗,透過社區活動規畫,可促進社區高齡者對活動的參與度,以延緩老化所造成的肢體活動度減退,以增進功能性體適能之成效,進而提升社區老人生活品質。如此,社區老人活動規劃是減緩因老化對社會衝擊以及醫療資源消耗的方法之ㄧ,然而,如何透過有趣又新穎的活動,吸引社區老人主動參與為其重要。目的:探討8週互動式健康體感遊戲介入社區老人對功能性體適能之成效。研究方法:以立意取樣,採類實驗性研究。對象為中部某長期照護服務據點及社區關懷據點之社區老人,研究對象共58位,分別為實驗組34位、對照組24位。實驗組以互動式健康體感遊戲介入,每週3次,每次23分30秒(含前後暖身操10分鐘),共8週;對照組則維持原有的日常生活及社區活動;兩組於8週後進行功能性體適能後測。本研究運用SPSS 18.0中文版套裝軟體進行統計分析,運用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、配對t檢定以及共變數分析。結果:社區老人功能性體適能之現況,人口學經統計分析結果「年齡」具顯著差異(p<.05),運用統計手法「一般線性模式」單變量分析調整體適能干擾因子,以「年齡」進行分析,其結果無顯著差異(p > .05)。兩組功能性體適能前測統計結果,在「2.4公尺起身繞行測驗(敏捷與動態平衡)」具顯著差異(p<.05),進一步運用「共變數分析」,先行完成同質性檢測,「30秒坐站測驗(下肢肌力)」、「30秒手臂捲起測驗(上肢肌力)」、「2分鐘踏步測驗(心肺耐力)」及「2.4公尺起身繞行測驗(敏捷與動態平衡)」此四項為同質性,以此進行「共變數」分析,其結果「2.4公尺起身繞行測驗(敏捷與動態平衡)」未達顯著差異(p<.05),因此排除此兩項干擾因子。運用配對t檢定統計分析結果顯示,「老人功能性體適能」實驗組前、後測驗在「30秒坐站測驗」,進步4.14次(t=-12.26﹐p<.000)、「30秒手臂捲起測驗」,進步3.91次(t=-6.68﹐p<.000)、「2分鐘踏步測驗」,進步10.67次(t= -5.81﹐p<.000)、「坐椅體前彎測驗」,進步4.56吋(t=-5.73﹐p<.000)、「抓背測驗」,進步2.1612吋(t=-3.77﹐p<.001)以及「2.4公尺起身繞行測驗」,有進步減少了2.02秒(t = 6.46﹐p<.000),以上均達統計上顯著差異。結論:互動式健康體感遊戲介入社區老人,對功能性體適能,下肢肌力、上肢肌力、下肢柔軟度、上肢柔軟度等,具顯著差異(p<.05),而心肺耐力、敏捷性及動態平衡,有進步成效良好。建議未來規劃社區老人活動,能以有趣及直接互動式的活動做遊戲規劃,以提升高齡者參與興趣及成效,以此提供臨床人員對社區老人活動規劃之參考。


Background: population in Taiwan is rapidly ageing. Through planning community activities, we can improve the participation of seniors which can slow down the regression of range of motion of extremities due to ageing and improve their living quality. Hence, planning activities for seniors in community is one of the methods to reduce the impact of ageing to society and consumption on medication; however, exhilarating and innovative activities are critical to attract seniors in community to play. Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of 8 weeks embodied interactive game on training seniors’ functional physical fitness in community. Method: we used purposive sampling with quasi experimental research. Participants were seniors from a long-term care service station in middle part of Taiwan. 58 subjects are included, divided into experimental group (34 subjects) and control group(24 subjects). Experimental group undertook the embodied interactive game three times a week for 23.5 minutes(10 minutes warm up was included) for totally 8 weeks; on the other hand, control group maintained their original activities of living. Both groups took the physical fitness test after 8 weeks experiment. This research analyzed the data with SPSS 18.0 Chinese version, descriptive statistics, independent-sample T test, Chi-square test (χ 2 test), paired t-test and analysis of covariance. Results: There were significant difference(p<.05)on “age” when we analyzed demography on seniors physical fitness of the community. When we used general linear model with univariate analysis to adjust the interference factor of physical fitness, and analyzed the ”age” factor, there was no significant difference(p>.05). The difference between two groups showed significant difference(p<.05)on “sit to stand and walk around for 2.4 meters”. Besides, the score of pre-test and post-test of experimental group showed significant differences on statistics while using paired t-test. The result of “sit to stand in 30s” increased 4.14(t=-12.26﹐p<.000),“bend arm in 30s” increased 3.91 (t= -6.68﹐p<.000), “march on the spot in 2 min” increased 10.67(t=-5.81﹐ p<.000), the distance of “bend over while sitting” increased 4.56 inches (t=-5.73﹐p<.000), that of “scratch back” increased 2.1612 inches(t=-3.77﹐ p<.001)and the time of “sit to stand and walk around for 2.4 meters” decreased 2.02s(t = 6.46﹐p<.000). Conclusion: Embodied interactive game was beneficial for the functional physical fitness of seniors in community. There were significant deference (p<.05) on strength and flexibility of upper and lower extremities, furthermore, there was also improvement on cardiopulmonary endurance, agility and dynamic balance. We suggest professionals to use interesting and interactive games for seniors in community to raise their interests to engage in the activities and improve the effect.


國家發展委員會(2014年8月)。「中華民國人口推計(103至150年)」報告。2016年05月02日取自http://www.ndc.gov.tw/Content_List.aspx?n= 84223C65B6F94D72
