  • 學位論文


The Key Factors of Developing the Aging Village in Sanmin Township in Kaohsiung County

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


隨著高齡化社會的來臨,老年安養近年已經成為具有開發潛力的產業,而各鄉鎮在面臨產業結構改變、人口外移、閒置土地開發等議題,也將養生村視為帶動經濟發展的發展方向。本研究選擇老年住宅需求甚高的高雄縣,並以三民鄉做為研究對象,分析其發展養生村的關鍵因素。本研究綜合相關研究成果及專家意見後,彙整出「當地環境」、「業者規劃理念」、「潛在入住者(退休銀髮族)」、「政府部門」、「房地產開發商」、「當地居民」等六大構面,在六大構面下再擬定出子項目,以設計出問卷進行調查。問卷發放對象包括產業界、政府部門、學術界與醫療機構人士,總計發出問卷50 份,回收率42 份,回收率為84%。問卷結果以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP),並採用「Expert Choice 2000」做為分析工具。主要研究發現如下: 一、 當地環境「醫療照護(醫療院所等資源)」、業者規劃理念「提供住戶醫療照護服務」與當地環境「自然環境(空氣品質、水質)」等三項是各群組共同認為最重要的因素。 二、 各群組在特定因素亦呈現出個別差異,「對養生村了解程度」在產業界獲得重視程度遠高其他群組,「對大型開發案的態度(歡迎開發商)」則是受到產業界和政府部門的重視。另一方面,「養生村規劃符合需求」、「養生村價位合理」受到學術界及醫療機構的重視,其程度超過產業界與政府部門。至於「養生村所在地點」及「與當地社區互動良好」則分別受到醫療機構和學術界重視,與其他群組差異較為明顯。 三、 建議方面,本研究認為醫療機構之參與實為養生村成功之主要關鍵;另當地環境之生活品質,亦是發展養生村的另一項關鍵因素,推動時首應考量此兩項因素;其次,政府角色受到各群組重視程度不高,顯示受訪者認為政府單位未在養生村發展方面扮演積極角色,相關部門應加強宣導鼓勵措施;開發業者結合投資、理財機制因素,可能因為國內這類型的住宅商品並不普及,填答者多數感到陌生,業者未來亦可加強規劃相關機制,強化養生村之投資誘因。


With the increasing aging population, the elders care service has become a potential industry recently. Besides, many village and town governments in Taiwan, facing the industrial hollowing out problem, account the aging village as the opportunity to boost local economic development. This research chooses Sanmin township of Kaohsiung county to analysis its key factors for the development of the aging village. This research collects related studies and opinions from experts and then sort out following analysis aspects: local environment, vision of the planner, potential customers, the government, the estate developer and local inhabitants. Some secondary items are framed under the six main aspects for the complete questionnaire. As the survey, there are 42 repliers from 50 in four groups, including the business, the government, the academia and medical institutions. Key factors for the developmentof the aging village in Sanmin township are obtained from Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Main results of this research as follows: 1. "Medical care resources", “providing medical services"and “physical environment" are the most important factors. 2. Some differences remain between four groups. The business group pays muchattention to “the awareness of aging village", and the industrial and government groups respect the “attitude toward large scale development project" highly. Besides, " aging village plan fit to customer need" and “the price of village plan" are thought important by the academia and the medical group. As to “the location of aging village" and “interaction between local inhabitants " are also respected by the academia and the medical group.


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