  • 學位論文


The Life Adaptation between Veterans and their Chinese Spouses within VAC Homecare Facilities in Taitung Area

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


由於早期政府在政策實施禁婚令導致現今有一群退伍的老兵,在青春期階段時未娶。等到老年在台灣無人依靠而安置到榮家,始料未及政策一變,開放探親隨著在全國各地屬於退輔會的安養機構中的安養榮民,不論是單身或曾結婚者也逢老年時期想找個伴而產生結婚的動機。本文藉本研究深入探討臺東地區退輔會所屬的某一安養機構,安養榮民與大陸配偶的生活適應問題,本研究目的有三:(一)瞭解安養榮民與大陸配偶婚姻的發展與現況,不如預期美滿,過程中產生的問題有哪些?(二)臺東地區安養機構之安養榮民大陸配偶婚姻生活適應產生問題的原因。(三)針對安養榮民大陸配偶婚姻生活適應問題之研提有效方案。 本研究以質性研究之深度訪談及文獻探討為主要研究方法,研究限制係僅以行政院退輔會安養機構之安養榮民與大陸配偶為研究對象,因研究的範圍僅以工作職場為主,所選取的樣本數僅9 位安養榮民,所得到的結論不一定適合其他相同性質的安養機構或其他娶大陸配偶者,探討他們在台之生活適應問題及提供之建議,供爾後有興趣探討兩岸聯姻、榮民與大陸配偶婚姻生活問題等相關研究者繼續探討。 人無法在缺乏支持系統的生活環境生存,榮家對老榮民而言,它就是榮民的家,如同機構之定名為「榮譽國民之家」是一樣的。為能協助安養榮民與大陸配偶在台之生活適應,安養機構必須運用個案輔導、團體輔導、夫妻諮商、支持系統之建立、各類相關的講座,鼓勵大陸配偶能多至安養機構與安養榮民互動、了解及與工作人員建立關係,也成為她們的支持網絡之一及雙方適應、相處間的潤滑劑。v


Because of the marriage ban policy exercised by the government in the early years,many veterans did not get married in their early adulthood, and relied on veterans’ home for living when they aged. However, the opening policy of visitation in Mainland China has motivated the veterans, whether still single or once married, to find a partner from Mainland China. The researcher is working in the veterans’ home, thus, is interested in learning about the living adaptation of veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses in the veterans' home. The research purposes include: 1) understanding the development and status of the marriage between veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses, and problems in the marriage; 2) discussing the problems in the living adaptation of veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses caused by veterans’ home in Taitung area; 3)proposing effective strategies to improve the living adaptation of veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses. This research used methods of qualitative study, in-depth interview, and literature review. The research scope was limited to veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses residing in the veterans’ home of the Veterans Affairs Commission. The number of samples was only 9 veterans, thus the conclusions may not be applicable iii on veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses in other home care organizations. However, based on the interview records, the researcher discussed the problems they face and proposed strategies for improvement, to be provided for further studies on cross-strait marriage, and living adaptation of veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses. People cannot live under an environment without support system. To veterans, the veterans’ home is the home, as it was named. To improve the living adaptation of veterans and their Mainland Chinese spouses in Taiwan, the institutions must implement individual counseling, group counseling, couple counseling, support system, related seminars, encourage Mainland Chinese spouses to interact with the veterans and establish relationship with the staffs, so that the home care organizations could facilitate the adaptation and interaction of the married couples.


Huttman, E.(1985), Social Services for the Elderly, NY: The Free Press.
Sauvy, A.(1966), General Theory of Population, New York: Basic Books Inc,pp.460-462.


