  • 學位論文


A Research of Impacts from Intelligence Development to Parent-Kid Education of Child—A Case of Kon Wen Educational Organization

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究目的旨在探討功文文教機構之幼兒親子時段課程對潛能開發的影響情形,本研究之對象係以財團法人功文文教機構Q0012輔導室共30名幼兒為研究對象,進行十二週共二十三次之幼兒親子時段課程後,以成對樣本t檢定及平均做為統計分析方式,研究具體結果如下: 一、整體而言,幼兒在參加幼兒親子時段課程後,在語言、數理、動作三項能力皆有進步。 二、經參與幼兒親子時段課程後,女幼兒在語文、數理能力比男幼兒平均進步的幅度大,故此課程對女幼兒的語文、數理能力影響較大,而男幼兒在動作能力方面比女幼兒進步大,但平均進步幅度不大,故此課程對男幼兒的動作能力影響較大。 三、經參與幼兒親子時段課程後,四歲以上幼兒在語言、數理、動作能力比四歲以下幼兒平均進步幅度大,但兩者在動作能力平均進步幅度不大,故此課程對四歲以上幼兒的語言、數理、動作能力影響較大。 四、不同性別與年齡幼兒,在動作能力平均進步幅度不大的因素,經探究其原因 有二: (一)、因幼兒在輔導教室或家中的活動空間較為狹小,致使動作能力較為不 足。 (二)、幼兒親子時段課程設計時,強調動作能力之課程有所偏頗不足,致使 動作能力有進步,但進步幅度不大。


This research mainly discussed the intelligence development of parent-kid education session in the Kon Wen educational organization, and the subjects were 30 children from the classroom Q0012 of the Kon Wen educational organization. After conducting 23 times of parent-kid education sessions in 12 weeks, the research conducted statistical analysis by pair-wise t-test and mean, the concrete results were shown as follow: 1. In general, after participating in the parent-kid education sessions,the children made improvements on language, math and movements. 2. After participating in the parent-kid education sessions, girls made more improvements than boys in average for language and math abilities, thus the sessions had more impacts on girls' language and math ability; As for the boys made more improvements than girls in movements, though not a significant improvement, the sessions had more impacts on boy's movement ability. 3. After participating in the parent-kid education sessions, children who III were more than 4 years old had made a better improvement than children under 4 years old, but both of them made only a little improvement on movement ability, thus the sessions made more impacts on children more than 4 years old. 4. For children with different gender and age, the research delved into the reasons that they all have little improvements on movement ability: 1. The classroom or spaces at home were narrowed, which made their movement ability insufficient. 2. The course design of parent-kid session emphasized little about movement ability, thus made the movement ability improve, but not much.


