  • 學位論文


The Research for Foreign Nationality Brides’ Life Adaptation - Nantou Country for Example0FFE

指導教授 : 張庭彰


近年來外籍配偶家庭日益增加,已成為台灣社會新的一個族群,她們來台之後,面對未來生活適應問題,她們所生子女所佔的比率也日益增加,將影響台灣的社會及未來發展。 截至95 年底止,台灣地區外籍與大陸配偶人數約達38.4 萬人,其中外籍配偶(含歸化取得我國國籍者)占34.9%,大陸及港澳地區配偶占65.1%。按96 年3 月底止設籍在南投縣外籍新娘計有7,361 人,按國籍分,大陸籍3,086人占41.92%,東南亞地區4,179 人占56.77%,其他地區96 人占1.30%。 從調查統計資料分析結果發現,台灣經濟生活富足安定,她們想長久居住,不過因為她們每個月賺得錢很少,甚至沒收入;她們不會使用電腦網際網路,多數看不懂電視節目、聽不懂廣播內容,而且認為台灣不如想像中的好,而感到有些失望,他們最擔心的,還是嫁入台灣後未來生活及養育兒女的問題。茲就所發現問題提列建議,供政府主管機關、教育學術機構,作為執行政策法令與相關措施之參考。 本研究透過文獻分析法及電話訪問調查,調查對象在南投縣轄區,來自於東南亞地區之印尼、泰國、越南、菲律賓、緬甸、和柬埔塞及馬來西亞等地區國籍之女子分布於南投縣13 個鄉鎮市地區設籍之外籍新娘計有4,179 人,以電話訪問調查其中310 位。在研究工具方面,本研究採用單因子變異數分析法(One-way ANOVA),針對調查蒐集共310 份問卷資料統計結果,獲得以下結論: 1.語言溝通與中文識字能力不足。 2.家庭經濟收入匱乏,生活品質低。 3.不會使用電腦網際網路,增益生活功能。 4. 不諳政府法令,不知道本身權利與權益事項。 5.教育與輔導,不夠普及欠缺落實。 6.教育程度不高,無一技之長,謀生不易。 7.沒有至親好友,缺乏社會脈絡支持,孤立無援。


For recent years , the increase of foreign nationality match is become a new group in Taiwan.After they came to Taiwan , the rate of their children increased and influenced the Taiwan society and future development. The foreign nationality and China match have about 384,000 people and the foreign nationality match is 34.9%, the China and Hong kong match is 65.1% for the end of 2006.The foreign nationality brides who have registered in Nantou Country are 7,361 people for the end of 2007/3.To class they with nationality,the China is 3,086 people (41.92%), the southeast Asia is 4,179 people (56.77%), and the other area is 1.3%. We can find it for the statistical data analyze result .Taiwan is a rich country make they want to live for long time ,but on the other hand ,they are earn little money ,even have nothing.They can’t use the internet and most of them don’t understand the TV show ,the radio contents . They disappointed for Taiwan is not so well as they thank .And the most they worry about are the problems to future life and how to give their children good education. I provided some suggestions to Government and education institution be the consult for execute policy and relate measures.The thesis used reference analysis and investigate by telephone.The investigative targets were in Nantou Country . They are come from the Indonesia ,Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar ,Kampuchea, Malaysia ,etc.. .The foreign nationality brides who distributed 13 areas in Nantou Country are 4,179 people.This thesis investigated 31 people of them. And I used One-way ANOVA to find the result for 310 questionnaires.1. The bad abilities to communication and dyslexia.2. The bad income and low life quality.3. They can’t use the computer and internet.4. They don’t understand the law ,so don’t know their right either.5. The lack of education.6. Not have professional skill.7. They have been isolated and cut off from help, and to be short of society support.


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